and cocky under the pressure of a midnight rough-up? There was something missing still, a second shoe that needed to drop.
“So, Carl,” said McDeiss, “you think maybe this missing Greeley and the floater without the face are one and the same?”
“They seem to match up,” I said.
“Yes they do. And you’re interested because…”
I raised my hand to catch the waiter’s attention. When he looked my way I pretended to scribble and he nodded.
“You’re not going to tell me,” said McDeiss.
“Can I keep this?” I said.
McDeiss took off his glasses, looked at me for a moment, and then shrugged. “A twenty-year-old missing persons file? Knock yourself out.”
As I continued looking through the file I said, “You get anywhere on Joey yet?”
“We’re getting somewhere.”
“You should know I now represent Joey’s mother and am investigating a possible wrongful death claim against his killer. Anything you can tell me about the status of your investigation would be most welcome.”
“I knew you chased ambulances, Victor. I didn’t know you chased coroner’s vans too.”
“I find my business where I can and sometimes where I can is at the morgue. Funny how that sort of puts us in the same boat. Any leads?”
“Fibers on the body?”
“Gray polyester from the interior of a car.”
“Late-model Toyota.”
“That narrows it down like not at all. Have you gotten around to tracing the phone call he got at Jimmy T’s before he stepped out for his meet?”
McDeiss’s eyes bulged and his cheeks swelled and he looked for a moment like he swallowed his tongue.
“Nice little double take,” I said. “You could have been in pictures.”
“The investigation is proceeding apace and we’ll keep you informed to the extent we see fit. But just so you know, the owner of the fine establishment you mentioned wasn’t so cooperative.”
“You should have made him a sea breeze.”
“Excuse me?”
“Go on.”
“We learned enough to get a warrant for a search of his phone logs and we believe we found the call you may be referring to.”
“A woman, right?”
“Isn’t it always?”
“You mind giving me the address?”
“Yes, I mind. But I will give you some advice, Victor. You don’t want to be interfering with an active homicide investigation. Trust me, you don’t.”
“I don’t want to interfere, Detective. I want to help. I heard Joey was in a little too heavy with a loan shark by the name of Teddy Big Tits.”
“Oh yeah?”
“He hangs out at a saloon called the Seven Out.”
“Is that right?”
“It seems Joey might have been borrowing to keep the party at that number happy to see him walk in the door. Don’t know for certain, but I’m just trying to help.”
“We always appreciate help.”
“And I wouldn’t mind asking that same party some questions so long as you don’t think it will hinder your investigation.” I was just about to close the Tommy Greeley file and stuff it in my briefcase when something stopped me.
“What’s this right here?” I said, pointing to a small yellow slip fastened in between two longer sheets of paper.
McDeiss shoved his glasses back onto his face, brought the file close. “It says the active investigation was closed after the initial inquiries and a discussion with…with S.A. Telushkin, and then it gives a phone number.”
“Who is S.A. Telushkin?” I said.
“I didn’t notice this before.”
“Who is he?”
McDeiss took off his glasses, pursed his lips. “Remember when I said you could have the file?”
“I was mistaken.” He shut the file, jammed it into his briefcase, and grinned at me. “Believe it or not, I might want to look at it again. In fact, I might want to reopen a decades-old missing persons case. Would you have a problem with that?”
“Would it make a difference?”
“Then I’ve no problem, no problem at all.”
“Good,” said McDeiss. “Later
Elizabeth Wein
L. Grubb
Maggie Lehrman
Jesse Bastide
Libby Fischer Hellmann
Elizabeth Lowell
Lori Hendricks
Miss Read
Gregg Braden
Kealan Patrick Burke