Passions Recalled: Forbidden Passions, Book 2

Passions Recalled: Forbidden Passions, Book 2 by Loribelle Hunt Page B

Book: Passions Recalled: Forbidden Passions, Book 2 by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
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fight the little she-wolf who’s landed at his Refuge Resort, a place where shifter species are free to be what they are—except wolves, of course. Yet Lyra fits him in a way she shouldn’t, and the urge to mark her as his mate is irresistible. A match like theirs, though, would rock the foundations of their world.
    He intends to find out who left Lyra for dead on Leonidas land. And keep her safe from whoever wants to finish the job—not to mention the werewolf alpha who wants his niece back at any cost…

    Enjoy the following excerpt for Stolen Passions:
    The next morning, Zander strode out of the building that housed the corporate offices for Leonidas Industries. It had taken him the better part of two hours and a whole lot of fast talking to get Adrian and Nico to agree to keep Lyra here until they figured out what was going on. All of them were going to start digging discreetly to see what new shifts in wolf politics were in the works. That Lyra had ended up on leopard land wasn’t a coincidence. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to get her here, wanted to start something, to make a statement, and they needed to know who and why.
    Not knowing made frustration crawl through him. Whatever had happened spelled trouble for his family, and they’d had more than their share lately. He wanted it done. But there was nothing more he could do at this point. It was a waiting game. In the meantime, he had work to do for the resort. His assistant manager had handled everything while Zander played nursemaid, but the younger man couldn’t do everything himself. Zander had a lot of catching up to do.
    His gaze swept the resort grounds as he walked toward the main hotel that housed his office. Palm trees littered the premises, shading a sparkling blue pool and the creamy stucco and wood Spanish-style buildings. Mountains rose in the distance to one side of the resort while the desert opened in the other. His place. Under his leadership, it was more successful than it ever had been. At his insistence, Refuge was a neutral-territory resort exclusively for shifters, where they were free to be whom and what they were. Since wolves vacationed here as well, Nico was anal about maintaining tight security.
    An hour later, Zander’s intercom buzzed and his secretary’s voice came through. “Sir, I found a guest who’s the same size as your…new friend.” There was a slight pause while the line crackled. “And you have a one o’clock appointment in Tucson today. You’re going to need to leave soon.”
    “Right.” Zander pulled in a deep breath, the scent of sand and a hundred different shifters reaching his nostrils. Including Lyra’s. His pants grew uncomfortably tight as his cock stirred. He’d taken her to his house on the edge of the resort’s main compound last night. He’d reached for her again and again before dawn broke, burying his cock in her tight, silky sheath. Shaking his head, he snorted. The most intense orgasms of his life and he should be half-dead, not horny again.
    Something he didn’t understand had happened between Lyra and him. It confused the hell out of him, and he didn’t like it, but he wanted her. Now. Again. He’d never had a problem getting women, but there was something about her that made him react. Never in his life had he had to fight to keep from biting a woman. But with her, his fangs had come out, and every instinct inside him had screeched for him to mark her, to make her his forever.
    She wasn’t staying, so he had no business going there. It didn’t matter how pretty she was or how good a lay. He held back a wince at the crude thought—wolf or not, she didn’t deserve it, but it was a good reminder to himself. She wasn’t for him. Biology and destiny weren’t things he could argue with or charm into his way of thinking. He could talk his brothers into keeping her until they knew what was going on, but it wasn’t permanent.
    He couldn’t forget that even for a second.

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