Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)

Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion) by Adrian Milan

Book: Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion) by Adrian Milan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian Milan
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she found it exciting. She unboxed the apparatus and began assembling it. Roland continued looking at the screen as he bore witness to a metamorphosis that he had actually expected and intended to be a part of himself. Satin was no longer the caterpillar in the cocoon. She was hatching and emerging as a full fledge butterfly.
         Satin didn’t concern herself with any specific order of phrases. Her primary concern was to be believable. And to sell that, she would have to genuinely give in to the experience. As did Natsu. The same way she was able to recognize those moments of revelation and epiphany was because she had just experienced them herself. This new and shocking sensation that was being thrust upon him that had exhilarated his being. The lack of control still infused him with a sense of power. And those feelings are powerful sensations to the senses. Addictive even. So much so, that anything less than that becomes unsatisfying. What she had seen in Natsu was the reaction of a man who had not been thrilled sexually for decades. And it moved him on a level that rivaled a spiritual awakening. By now, in those moments that he is alone, when he does not have a way to preoccupy himself with the distractions of work or responsibility, there is a longing that is growing within him. He has had a taste of something that he never even realized existed within himself. And he wants to be able to experience it again. And again. And again. And not have to come all the way to the United States to experience it. This is what she is offering him. The one thing that he could never get on his own in Japan. Understanding. Acceptance. And willing supplicants who live for the opportunity to continually serve him in this capacity for the rest of his days. And to a man of his years, the last of his days is a valuable commodity indeed. But first, he needed to be convinced that she recognized what that need was and could provide what he thought was a once in a lifetime experience, consistently as a service. And what better way to prove her understanding and comprehension than by sharing her experience with him?
         Satin began to understand why these ladies did this work and why Roland had kept them in under his employ for so long. They truly enjoyed what they did. There was no acting or false pretense here. It took them all of 30 seconds to really get into mode. Their sexual appetites were voracious, but they were mindful to do exactly as Satin had asked. Every movement was slow, sensual, and genuinely seductive. They understood that it was meant as a show to do more than just sexually arouse the nature and desire of Natsu Yakamura, but clearly that was secondary for them. These women simply enjoyed what they did. The actual act of making love. The sexual energy that inspires passion from all aspects of your being. They were connoisseurs of a kind. Very in touch with their sexuality and clearly without any sexual inhibitions at all.
         Satin let herself go. She closed her eyes as Tracey began to suck gently on her nipples. Her mouth was hot and moist. Her tongue raked across the surface of her areola and it sent electricity throughout Satin’s body. Tracey reached down between Satin’s spread uplifted thighs and parted the lips of her vulva. Satin was already wet. Tracey could see the light glistening from her slit. The Italian woman laid down between her legs and with slow deliberation, turned her head to the side so that the camera above would have a clear unobstructed view, then ran her tongue from the bottom her Satin’s slit, where her juices were leaking down, and collected the sweetness of her nectar into her own mouth. She laid there with the side of her face pressed up against the underside of Satin’s legs, and continued to lick and slurp, and sip, and tease. And then without any warning at all, drove two fingers into the depths of Satin’s sex. Tracey pulled back the hood covering Satin’s

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