Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
wouldn’t cooperate.
    “ You know exactly what I mean,” said Archer, calmly. “I’m
offering to fuck you so you don’t have to find a stranger.
Obviously you need it, you’re as jumpy as…I don’t know, something
that jumps a lot. A kangaroo?”
    A hysterical little laugh bubbled up in Matt’s chest and
escaped before he could stop it. “And you call yourself a
    “ I’m not expecting you to say yes right away, I’m just saying -
think about it.”
    I won’t be able to think at all for much longer, Matt realized, thankful that the table came up
just high enough to conceal his erection. He wants to fuck you, he wants to fuck you, HE WANTS TO FUCK
YOU. HOW ARE YOU NOT LETTING HIM FUCK YOU. An ever-growing corner of his brain was screaming at him,
berating him for being such an idiot, but he just shook his
    Archer shrugged. “All right, if you want to see how long you
can hold out, that’s no business of mine. But with the way you’ve
been acting lately, I predict it’s only a day or two before you
throw yourself at me, so you might as well come to terms with it
    The most maddening part about it was how cool and intellectual
he was being. Matt wanted to punch him in the face and then grab
him by the collar and drag him to bed and not let him out for the
rest of the week -
    No, no, no, he was not going to do this.
    He sat back down and scooted his chair in, studiously ignoring
the fact that his cock was straining so hard under his pants that
it was nearly touching the underside of the table. “We’re not
talking about my sex life anymore,” he said. “Back to
    With a slight smile on his face, Archer, began talking about
his latest progress. Matt didn’t hear a word. After ten minutes he
snuck his hand under the table and squeezed his dick, exhaling
sharply at the moment of slight relief that it gave him. He watched
Archer carefully; Archer’s eyes were fixed on the screen of his
laptop. Matt squeezed again, then rubbed, tiny little motions with
his thumb and forefinger around the head of his cock that would be
imperceptible above the table. He stared at Archer, at his mouth,
his arms, the hunch of his shoulders over the table, the subdued
strength of his body, listened to the low rumble of his voice even
if he didn’t hear the words. Matt’s whole body was beginning to
tense; he felt a rush of adrenaline at the thrill of doing this
secretly while Archer sat mere feet away, oblivious. Then,
suddenly, the low rumbling stopped.
    “ I feel,” said Archer, fixing him with a heavy stare, “like
you’re not listening to me.”
    He stood up and prowled around to Matt’s side of the table,
leaning over him as if reading something over his shoulder. “What’s
so interesting in your lap? I’m terribly curious.”
    Matt felt paralyzed, caged in, the heat of Archer’s body
surrounding him.
    “ Don’t do this to yourself,” he said. “Let me help
    When Matt spoke, his voice was soft and broken.
    “ You don’t understand what’s happening to me,” he
    “ I don’t need to,” said Archer.
    And he was right. He usually was - which was just one of the
many maddening things about him.
    He backed away, letting Matt stand up, and he made a little
noise in the back of his throat when he saw what the table had been
    “ Jesus. Matt,” he said, reaching for the zipper. “I’m going to
suck you off. All right?”
    Matt nodded, suddenly unable to speak, his mouth desert-dry.
Archer sank to his knees, taking Matt’s cock out and sucking it
into his mouth without hesitation. Matt gasped at the feeling and
grasped Archer by the hair, trying to hold himself upright against
the merciless ministrations of Archer’s tongue. He was going to
come. “Jack, wait, I -”
    Archer met his eyes and sucked harder, swirling his tongue
around the head of Matt’s cock, and he was done for. His orgasm was
fast and harsh, knocking the breath out of him, and he

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