Paradise Park

Paradise Park by Iris Gower

Book: Paradise Park by Iris Gower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Gower
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business in London these days, you know that, Father, and I’ll thank you to keep your opinions to yourself.’
    â€˜Oh, Jayne,’ Llinos said quickly, ‘have you seen the new gallery that’s opened in the Mumbles? It’s full of the most beautiful paintings and some exquisite sculptures. Perhaps we could drive down there together some time?’
    Jayne smiled and nodded but did not commit herself: the last thing she wanted was a day out with Llinos Mainwaring. Still, it was good of her to change what had been a tricky subject.
    â€˜These pastries are delicious,’ Llinos said. ‘You must give my compliments to your cook.’
    â€˜And mine.’ Guy looked into her eyes as if he could read her thoughts. ‘Would you be kind enough to show me your plants, Jayne?’
    â€˜I would love to.’ Jayne put down her plate, and stood up. ‘Father, please pour yourself and Llinos more tea while I show Guy around.’
    Side by side, they walked into the centre of the conservatory where the rare plants grew in an exotic mix of foliage. ‘Don’t take too much notice of my father,’ she said quietly. ‘He likes to tease. The way he talks, you’d think I was the most ill-tempered woman in the country.’
    Emboldened by the fact that they were hidden from view, Guy took her hand and smoothed her palm with his thumb. ‘You must be a delight to all who come in contact with you, Jayne. Forgive me if I seem forward but the more I’m in your company the more I want to be with you.’ He hesitated. ‘I know I shouldn’t say this but I’m very attracted to you.’
    Jayne’s heart pounded. She glanced into Guy’s face and saw that he meant every word he said. She knew she should take her hand away, rebuke him for his impertinence, but she was longing to draw his head down to hers, feel his lips on her own. ‘Guy!’ She was breathless with emotion. ‘Oh, Guy, I feel the same.’ He bent so swiftly that she had no time to move away, even if she’d wanted to. He kissed her, a gentle butterfly kiss, then drew her to him. For as long as she dared, she remained in his arms. The blood was racing in her veins and her heart felt as though it would burst.
    Then, he drew away. ‘I can’t apologize for kissing you, Jayne. I’ve wanted to do that ever since I met you.’ He was close to her, looking intently into her eyes, and Jayne felt as if she would drown in the joy he roused in her.
    She put her hand over his lips. ‘Don’t say any more, Guy. Let’s go back to the others before they grow suspicious.’ They walked around the central area of plants and by the time her father and Llinos were in view Jayne had composed herself.
    The rest of the afternoon passed in a haze of happiness for Jayne. Now and again she caught Llinos looking at her curiously for a sudden silence had fallen on the gathering. Jayne searched her mind for something to say. ‘I hear you were thinking of buying the Paradise Park, Father,’ she said.
    â€˜I wanted to make it into a good railway hotel, a decent place for people to stay when they have to break their journey.’
    â€˜Well,’ Jayne said, ‘the last thing you’d call the Paradise Park is decent!’
    â€˜People’s perceptions can change, Jayne, as you’ve proved, and the hotel could be turned into a fine establishment if someone was prepared to put in the work.’
    â€˜Why didn’t you take it on, then?’
    Eynon shrugged. ‘I just felt it wasn’t for me. It needs someone young, someone like you, Jayne, with lots of time and energy.’
    There was a knock on the door and Sal bobbed a curtsy as she came into the room. ‘Shall I clear away the tea-things, Mrs Buchan?’
    â€˜See, Father? This is Sal. Doesn’t she look lovely?’ Jayne patted Sal’s arm. ‘And don’t you think I’ve

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