Pandora Gets Greedy

Pandora Gets Greedy by Carolyn Hennesy

Book: Pandora Gets Greedy by Carolyn Hennesy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Hennesy
location, where he will either create a new aureus with my likeness on it or he will be put to death slowly and painfully.”
    â€œA kidnapping?” asked Juno. “All that commotion? Will it not wake the rest of the household, perhaps even Caesar himself?”
    â€œThe artist is housed in a small building at the back of the insula. It is used for storage and houses the slave lavatoriums. No one will hear; and beside this, Caesar and most of his entourage were and still are feasting at another senator’s house this past evening. No one is at the insula except the artist, two or three house slaves—old women, and the ruler’s new stableboy who also happens to be my gladiator whom Caesar stole from me today. I may have to kidnap him as well.”
    â€œNo, no … patience, Valerius,” he thought to himself. “Just a few more days.”
    Alcie flinched and grabbed Pandy’s hand.
    â€œI like it. And Hera will like it, once she hears of it,” Juno said after a moment. “But don’t play coy with me,mortal. What do you mean by ‘secure location’? You will have no secrets from me.”
    â€œWe are taking Varius from Caesar’s insula in Subura …”
    â€œYou know, that’s the one thing that bothers me about your ruler,” Juno interrupted. “He’s not yet built a royal palace on the Palatine Hill, preferring instead to reside in the same garbage dump he was raised in. I don’t care if it is the largest, tallest insula in Subura. It’s silly. Common. Go on.”
    â€œThat’s why he should never have
ruler. He’s stupid and showy in his commonness,” Lucius spat.
    â€œMy, my,” Juno smirked. “I haven’t seen such a hunger for power—or anything, for that matter—in ages. Normally I like it, but on you it just looks foolish. Ah, well, since beggars—even immortal beggars—cannot be choosers, continue before I grow bored: you’re taking the artist …”
    â€œYes, from Subura to … well, as I said, his quarters also house the slave lavatoriums, so it will be relatively easy for my men to remove a few stones, create a nice-sized hole underneath and pull the poor young man down into the sewers. They replace the stones and no one is the wiser. The sewers are about to undergo extensive renovation so Caesar has blocked the main entrances. No one will think to look there. Of course,after the feast in my home when I unveil the new coin, no one will think to look at all. With my likeness on the aureus, the Senate and the citizenry will have no choice but to hand me the imperial crown. It must be done by Caesar’s own decree! Caesar will be executed and I—”
    Lucius’s voice broke.
    â€œI will be ruler of Rome!”
    â€œAnd then the fun begins. Let’s go over the bargain again, shall we?” Juno said. It sounded to Pandy and Alcie as if the goddess was now pacing about the room.
    â€œOnce I am supreme ruler …,” Lucius began.
me?” Juno squeaked, her footsteps halted.
    â€œOf Rome! Only of Rome.”
    â€œThat’s better.”
    â€œWhen I am ruler,” Lucius said, as if he were biting down on a sweet apricot cake, savoring each word, “I shall double the number of armed guards. Then I shall order the destruction of all temples and the death of all priests and priestesses of every deity except yours. The new guards will see to it that my orders are followed and anyone who tries to intervene will be executed as an enemy of the state. Then I shall triple the number of temples to you, my queen. I shall decree that any and all sacrificial fires burn only for you, that only your statues grace homes and gathering places. Your star will shinebrighter than any other in the heavens. Even moreso than that of your husband!”
    â€œAnd with respect for his power greatly diminished,” Juno said, “it

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