Palm of Destiny

Palm of Destiny by Rebecca Segal Page B

Book: Palm of Destiny by Rebecca Segal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Segal
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hands and gasped. When he tried to withdraw them, they became stuck within her abdomen. He called to her, his mind hazy against the pleasure as she rode him, but no sound fell from his lips.
With a sharp inhale that hurt his lungs, Elijah shot straight up. His fingers dug hard into the mattress underneath him, and both of his knees came up. He was ready to launch himself as his heart pounded so rapidly within his chest that it boomed like thunder in his ears. Wide blue eyes had a startled look to them, and he let out a faint yelp when he felt something shifting across his thighs. Looking down, he saw that they were only pale white sheets moving as Rosalie stirred beside him. Sweat instantly cooled his skin, dripping slowly down his face and onto his neck. Swallowing hard to keep himself from panting, he slid his legs off the side of the bed and stood. One of his hands moved to his chest, rubbing the spot over his heart as though he could slow the beating down.
“Elijah?” Her voice was confused and soft, drowsy with sleep. “What’s wrong?:
“Noth…I mean…nothing. I’m fine...give me a minute.” He glanced back at her, but didn’t let her see his eyes. He didn’t want her to gaze into them and see the fear.
She sat up, her features darkening with a frown. “It’s not nothing if you won’t even look at me. I’m betting you had some sort of nightmare.” She smiled softly, though it didn’t chase the worry away. “Am I right?”
“Yeah. Um….” He didn’t finish his sentence as he moved across the large room and made it to the door. “It was so random…I need some air, all right?”
“Sure, okay.” Rosalie gave him a concerned frown, but nodded her head while she sat up in the bed. Her brow wrinkled further when he moved out of the room and pushed the door closed behind him with a little more than a soft click . A soft sigh left her, and she gave her head a small shake. Her ebony hair swirled around her face and bare shoulders with the movement, and her brown eyes reflected her confusion. Elijah hadn’t always been straight with her, that much was true; but she could help but worry about him and the situation they had found themselves in. She was just about to slide from the bed to go and ask him again about his nightmare when:
CRASH , bang, crack, BOOM.
The entire house shook in the wake of the loud and equally violent noises. Rosalie lurched off the bed and practically flew across room. She grabbed her soft silk robe from the hook on the back of the door, threw it on, and rushed into the hallway. “Elijah? Elijah?! Where are you??” Swearing under her breath, she quickly tied the sleek belt around her waist so the robe wouldn’t fly open. “ Elijah! ”
She came to a skidding halt in the middle of her massive living room. With wide eyes she looked around, searching desperately for the man who had saved her life not days earlier. When she heard shuffling in the kitchen, she rushed in that direction. She turned the corner and entered the space just as a shot rang out.
Two assassins were there, all dressed in white like the last time Rosalie had seen them. The wooden beam beside her face exploded, and she shrieked before diving behind the counter in her kitchen. Her face burned where pieces of wood shrapnel had hit and cut her. Her heart pounding in her chest, she turned to face the sink. Just below it was a drawer, and she knew that it had several large knives. Her face set in grim determination, she crawled slowly over to it and reached up to open it.
A bullet ricocheted off of the metal sink, and Rosalie quickly snatched her hand away from the drawer. “Shit,” she whispered under her breath. She almost tried to reach for the drawer again, but she crawled back to where she had been before instead and opened the cupboard there. There were several large pots, a few frying pans, and some casserole dishes. She started to remove the lids from the pots and

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