Palm of Destiny

Palm of Destiny by Rebecca Segal Page A

Book: Palm of Destiny by Rebecca Segal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Segal
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my face. You say that I’ve been corrupted, and that you need to save me…and then the pendant is there again…right in my face.”
Rosalie sat in stunned silence as she listened to Elijah. They were sitting on her—Angelique’s—king sized bed, which was a beautiful and expensive designer piece, custom made to match the carpeting and walls. It had taken some string pulling and a lot of elbow twisting, but with the money left to her by her father and Angelique, her deceased best friend’s home now belonged to her.
She still couldn’t believe that both of them were gone, but she vowed to herself that she would never sell this place if she could help it. Money had always an issue for her, but if she kept herself to a strict budget she would probably never have to work again. Licking her lips, she reached out and gently placed one of her hands on Elijah’s arm. She barely understood what he was telling her.
“Do you think that what you saw will come true exactly like you saw it? Or is it more symbolic? Do monsters like that actually exist, Elijah?”
“I have no idea. The pendant thing wasn’t exactly like I saw it, but then again it was.” He leaned back into the couch and slowly closed his eyes. “I didn’t see the apartment thing, though. Or that it would burn. And I have no idea what the creatures are or if they mean something else…all I know is…you kill me.”
“But I would never do that.”
“Maybe you would.” As he opened his eyes, Elijah looked over at her.
“No, I lo….” She felt color rising to her cheeks, but she didn’t know if it was because she felt embarrassed or if it was because she felt angry at him. “I love you.” Swallowing hard, she nodded. “I do. I know it’s stupid, but after everything we’ve been through…“ Biting down on her lower lip, she dared to look him in the eyes.
“It’s not stupid.” His voice was soft and gentle. There was none of his usual awkwardness in it.
“Know what is , though? I mean, really stupid?” When he said nothing, she raised both of her eyebrows. “That you are convinced that I am going to kill you. You’re one of the only people in my life who haven’t abandoned me. Sure I stalked you to the point where you nearly got a restraining order on me, but you never let me go.”
“I saw it.” Elijah’s mouth formed into a tight line.
“I’m not going to kill you.” As his lips parted to argue, she shook her head and placed a finger over his mouth. Reaching to support herself on his shoulders, she pulled herself over him and settled over his lap. Sliding her fingers around to the back of his neck, she pressed her chest against him and captured his lips in her own. A hesitant sound of pleasure was her reward, and she found herself smiling.
Her hands moved down his chest and then under his shirt, pressing and gliding across his skin as she teased him with the tip of her tongue. He responded with less hesitation this time, tangling them together. He grabbed the back of her head with hands that were only partially gentle, pulling her closer.
“This time,” he whispered against her lips. “You can be on bottom.”
Her eyes widening in pleasant surprise, Rosalie allowed Elijah to push her onto her back, nestling her into the warmth comfort of the mattress.

    Chapter Seventeen
The dream was unlike any he had experienced before. He was laying there on his back. The ground felt soft and spongy, like moss on a forest floor. Looking up, he could see the sky above him. It was dark and dense with clouds. Somewhere behind them he could see a small pinpoint of light. It was dark blue instead of yellow and didn’t look like any moon he had ever seen before. Rosalie was on top of him, swaying and gyrating.
The sucking sounds of her sex clenching and squeezing around his member with each motion were exceptionally loud in his ears. When he reached to try and touch her, his hands went right through her. He felt her insides against his

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