lights and a touching, lustful wave of bliss that I never wanted to leave, but all good things come to an end. He finished inside of me and collapsed atop my smaller frame, pulling me out of paradise and the air out of my lungs.
I wheezed and glared at his face in the crook of my neck. His eyes were shut tight, and his breathing was shallow and hoarse. He was soaked in sweat, but I'd never seen so great an angel as I saw in him. I smiled and brushed aside one of his golden locks. His eyes fluttered open, and those sky-blue eyes were returned. The stormy seas were passed; we'd made love. Now all I wanted to do was sleep, but I was afraid he'd strangle me with his weight. "Mind switching places?" I squeaked out.
His eyes widened when he realized my dilemma. "Oh right." He deftly flipped us both over so I was on top and he beneath me. It was a comfortable arrangement for both of us, and completed when he grabbed a blanket from over the back of the couch and lay it over us for some propriety. "Better?" he asked me.
I yawned and nodded before I set my head down in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his strong arms around me, and we both fell asleep.
I woke up an hour before sunset with sore muscles and a crick in my neck from lying on something hard. I lifted my head and found the hard thing was John's chest. The man himself was still asleep and, most importantly, naked. We both were, and the only thing that saved anyone from coming into the room and having an image engraved on their memory was the blanket from over the couch.
That scenario rattled me; what if someone had come in and found us in this, well, compromising position? I blushed to think of the shock, horror, and mental scarring. Hell, what we did struck me with horror; I'd finally done, well, my boss . How could I have let the relationship slip into this? What would he do now that his craving for my flesh was satisfied? Did he think I was a slut? Worse, did he think he could take me anytime now that he had me under his power?
I shuddered; that's what happened. I had been under his power. His delicious, masculine power. It had felt so good to have his strong arms around me, protecting me from the world by becoming my world. The way he held me close and touched me where I'd never allowed anyone to touch me. He was my first, nobody could take his place, and that scared me. He had a place in my life, a permanent place, and I didn't know if he was the one I wanted in there.
I slipped off the couch, taking the blanket with me, and wrapped myself in it as I stood over his still, pale form. His hair was ruffled, and I almost regretted that his shining blue eyes were closed. However, closed meant I could make a clean getaway, and he wouldn't be able to stop me. I had to leave here and think about what had happened. Staying in that house meant biased memories, and he was there. This was all just so confusing that only escape could clear my thoughts.
I grabbed all my clothes and crept out into the hall. Each squeak of the old boards made me wince and wish for DW40 for wood. I changed in the study and snuck back down the hall to the front door with my purse and coat in hand. As a precaution I slipped my head into the living room to check on Sleeping Beauty. Somebody must have kissed him because he was gone.
A noise at my back startled me, and I instinctively swung my arm around to knock their head off. John grabbed my arm and raised a mischievous eyebrow. "Do you hit all your employers, or just the sneaky ones?"
I wrenched my arm from his grasp and scowled at him. "I don't do anything to my employers except what they deserve." At my words his grin grew wider, and that made me angry. I didn't want him to see me as an easy sex partner. "But I make a mistake every now and then, and I'm going to remedy this one by leaving." I stomped toward the door, but he grasped my arm again. "Let me go! You can't keep me here!"
He let me go and I stumbled back into the
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