Pale Stars in Her Eyes
have casualties."
    The thin sound was more unpleasant than ever now that Jerra understood its significance. “Where are you going?” she demanded as Liale scanned the door open.
    The other woman said shortly, “The main bay. I'm guessing they are bringing back wounded from the surface. If they need help, it's my job to be on hand. You'll be safe enough here, human."
    "I'm going with you.” Jerra said it firmly, with no equivocation.
    "No, you are not. You'll be a distraction and a nuisance."
    "I'm a trained nurse."
    Liale eyed her and there was a flicker of indecision in her expression. “Truly?"
    "Yes.” It was irritating to realize she was regarded as having no purpose, except the sexual one she had been selected for by her abductors. “Believe me, Captain, I had an existence before the S-species decided to take over my life. I wasn't just a nurse, but a surgical nurse."
    "You're too young."
    "No.” She said it with gritty conviction. “Believe it or not, I'm actually very intelligent and was trained at an exceptionally early age. Now, shall we go?"
    "I could get in trouble if I take you. I am not sure what Ian would want. I'm pretty sure he doesn't see past your pretty tits and that tight little pussy he's been in so often."
    Jerra fought the urge to lash back, taking a deep breath. She gave the S-species female a level, steady look. “You are letting your jealousy affect your judgment, Captain Liale. If help is needed and I can give it, I am sure Ian would want me to be useful."
    "Maybe so,” she admitted grudgingly and glanced over her scanty attire. “I wish you were wearing something else. I can see your breasts almost as clearly as if you were naked. But maybe you can help.” She gave a small grimace. “Besides, this way at least I am still keeping you with me like he wanted. Come then, but follow orders."
    Grateful to be able to do anything besides sit and worry, Jerra nodded and followed her out the door.
    * * * *
    His side was on fire, his mouth tasted of soot and smoke, and he was bleeding everywhere.
    He was still way better off than Kartel.
    Shit ! He'd failed.
    Ian pressed on the welling wound in his friend's stomach and bit back the string of swear words he wanted to let loose. There was shrapnel embedded deeply from the explosion and Ran's breathing had gotten ominously shallow.
    It was hard to imagine such vitality extinguished, but it was not impossible. Ian had been a solider long enough he'd seen plenty of death.
    "Fuck, no,” he muttered, his bloody hands slippery as he applied enough pressure to keep the ashen man lying so still from at least bleeding to death. “You aren't going to die, Kartel. No way. Stay with me.” On an afterthought, he added, “Think of Jerra."
    For a moment, he could swear his friend's eyelids fluttered.
    If that was the way to keep him alive, he wasn't above exploiting it.
    "She's so soft, isn't she?” he said in a persuasive whisper. “So warm inside, so tight and responsive. I see how she looks at you, and you told me how she loves you. If you leave her, she'll be fated to servicing other S-species males her whole life, and bearing children who will be taken away immediately. Is that what you want for her?"
    Kartel gave a small groan, and despite his own wounds, Ian felt like leaping up and cheering. He went on, hope glimmering. “I think you could try and free her. No, it isn't done, but why not try? Petition the Council to see if they might gift her to you. It isn't like you haven't served Minoa in every way possible. When you pull through this, they are going to owe you for insisting we go instead of listening to your advice. They'll know it. Call in all your favors."
    Ran opened his eyes, but his stare was unfocussed. “What ... happened?"
    Damn, he'd lost a lot of blood. The extraordinary pallor of his skin was frightening.
    "They didn't give us a chance,” Ian said, gratefully feeling the transport lock into docking mode. “The first bomb exploded

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