Owned And Owner
takes over for a while. He’ll ease up.’
    ‘Were you like that when you bought yours?’
    ‘Oh, my friend, I didn’t go out of the house for weeks. Had to remember to eat. Hardly slept. I’ve never been such a sex machine. Years of waiting, it does it to you.’
    My master put me back in the crate one day for an aircar ride, and I was scared. It was the first time I had been in an aircar since the party, and I had been dressed up that time. What was he going to do with me? My imagination, always overactive, began to conceive of disasters. Fantasies about the good stuff were now way outdone by reality, so my imaginings could only go the other way. Had I been too bad, too stupid? Surely he wouldn’t sell me? I sat in the straw in almost complete darkness and tried to turn off this line of thought. Life without him… No. My mind blanked this out as too awful to contemplate. To be touched by him, or hurt by him, in whatever way he deigned, to be the focus of his attention, that was what I lived on. I touched the collar around my neck, trying to reassure myself. I ran my finger back and forth over one of the tags, over the smooth part that was probably the holo with his name.
    When the crate opened I crawled out into the car, which was in a dim garage. He leashed me, fastened my hands behind my back, and led me, first into an elevator that took us down to street level, then through the pedways . I was hardly able to look about me, as the usual staring male giants surrounded me; I couldn’t bear to risk anyone catching my eye. I was not yet used to the sound of their exclamations and laughter, and I tried to shrink into my master’s shadow. He quickly made me heel, however, with my back straight and head up, yanking on the leash to reinforce this. I was acutely aware of my nakedness. I had hardly been among people at all since the auction, except my master’s household and friends, and that party, which felt like an extension of my master’s living room, but was humiliating enough. Now I was being exposed to streets full of strangers, a partially trained animal on the end of a leash. Although my head had to be up, my eyes were down as I half ran to keep the leash from pulling. My breasts bounced awkwardly, out of my control.
    Then to my relief we went into a storefront. Familiar odors hit me – animals, and disinfectant, and I looked around the waiting room to see men sitting with various burdens on their laps – little yapping dogs, small cages full of hissing bundles of indignation. There were larger creatures on leashes eyeing each other from across the room.
    I was at the vet.
    My master spoke to someone, sat down and settled me next to him on the hard floor. I tried to shrink even smaller than I was, but everyone was staring and the comments and questions were unmistakable. Involuntarily I turned my face against my master’s leg, and let out a tiny whimper. He stroked my hair soothingly, and I heard his deep voice answering. I tried not to look at all the eyes staring at me. Why was this so frightening? I was an animal on a leash out in public, that’s all. A naked animal with her hands fastened behind her back, helplessly displaying her highly unusual sexual characteristics to huge strangers who had never seen them before. What was so scary about that?
    All my awareness seemed to be focused on my breasts; there were so many eyes on them they felt hot. Can tits blush? I could clench my legs together, but my breasts were too big to conceal. I wanted to turn around and bury myself in my master’s arms and hide, but I didn’t want them looking at my rear view, either. Anyway, my master had put me in this position and I knew better than to alter it without permission. He must have sensed my inclination, and not trusted my obedience in this strange place; I felt his hand holding tightly to the ring on the back of my collar.
    The animals, thankfully, lost interest in me very quickly, and turned

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