Overwhelm Me

Overwhelm Me by A. C. Marchman Page A

Book: Overwhelm Me by A. C. Marchman Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. C. Marchman
Tags: Romance
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voice that give me goose bumps over my entire body. His hooded eyes say he wants me just as badly as I want him.
    “So, you like then?” I tease, batting my eyelashes at him.
    “Baby, I more than like. I’m completely in awe,” Donovan’s flirty side disappears, and his face becomes suddenly serious. “Look, Allie, I want to be honest with you. If this scares you, don’t worry, it scares me, too.” I swallow, terrified of what’s going on in his head. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Never. Frankly, it scares the hell out of me because of how new this is to me. Everything about you is…amazing. I know we don’t know each other that well, but I feel like I’ve been waiting my entire life for you. I just had to have you, and I needed to know if there was something between us. And now that I know that…” Donovan takes a deep breath and exhales loudly. “Maybe it was fate or God or whatever that made that chance meeting between us happen. I’ve told you before, it’s only ever been casual sex and Claire. That’s it, but with you, my feelings are entirely different. I want to protect you, to be with you every spare minute I have, to be your all. I can be myself around you, not the spoiled little rich boy I’ve had to be my whole life. You make me feel…free.”
    I sit, shell shocked. I look into Donovan’s eyes, which are so full of raw emotion and confessions. I don’t know what to say. My mouth hangs open. My heart is screaming from the rooftops, “Me too! Me too!” and my head says, “Whoa, slow down. Don’t get hurt again.” Deep down; however, I know I feel the exact same way. I just have to wait for my brain to catch up to what my heart is feeling. I want him so badly, it hurts. It also scares me to death because we have only just met, but I guess when you feel something so intensely, it’s hard to stop all of these emotions.
    I gather my thoughts as Donovan looks expectantly, awaiting my response. “Donovan,” I start, my heart racing, “I want to know something first.” Donovan looks at me, his heart wide open and soul exposed to me. “I want to know why me? Why am I different from Claire or any other woman? Why am I so special?”
    Donovan takes my hands with both of his. “I know you are a good person inside and out. That’s so easy to see. I see the way you talk about your family and your friend Livey. Obviously, you have brains, or you wouldn’t be going into the P.A. program. You have been honest with me so far, and it doesn’t hurt that you’re incredibly sexy.” Donovan winks at me. My heart smiles with jubilation. Then once again, my brain to mouth filter malfunctions and out comes, “Well, why Claire?”
    Donovan’s brow furrows and makes a V in the middle of his forehead. He releases my hands and runs one of his through his soft brown hair, while his eyes stay locked on mine. “Claire was a bitch, but she was into me. I was into her too but not nearly as much. She was an older woman that showed me attention and got my hormones going. I liked the fame that came along with her. But, of course, the fame didn’t happen until after Frank was murdered. You see, Claire and I had an affair.”

My mind can’t process this. It’s completely overwhelming me. I stare blankly at Donovan as he looks at me, his beautiful features contorted by emotional pain. “I…I don’t remember ever hearing about that in the papers or anything,” is all I can manage to say.
    Donovan runs his hand through his hair again, and I realize this is a nervous habit for him. “I didn’t want to talk about Claire, but you insisted on bringing her up.” His voice is tense and quiet. “ I know it wasn’t in the paper or even the trial. I was seventeen at the time, technically a minor, and I didn’t want to get her in trouble for that as well.” He exhales deeply. “She should be spending the rest of her life in jail for the murder of her husband. I also didn’t want my family

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