Overpowered (Powered Trilogy #2)

Overpowered (Powered Trilogy #2) by Cheyanne Young Page B

Book: Overpowered (Powered Trilogy #2) by Cheyanne Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyanne Young
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Maybe even months.”
    Nova pipes up. “That’s okay. As long as I’m not a burden.”
    “Never,” Dad says so sweetly I want to punch him for being a pansy.
    This time I don’t even jump when my Hero alarm goes off. I read aloud the message on my screen: HUMANS FIGHTING IN PARKING LOT. HUMAN POLICE FORCE UNABLE TO RESTRAIN.
    “Must be more of these weirdly strong humans beating each other up for no reason,” I mutter. My Hero suit slides on like a glove and Dad makes a face at my missing sleeve but he doesn’t say anything. “I need to use another tactic for dealing with these guys. The last ones thought it would be fun to beat up Heroes just because they can.”
    “That isn’t possible,” Dad says with a shake of his head. “Is it some kind of mind game to make you think you aren’t stronger than they are? They’re humans , Maci. There’s just no way they’re capable of beating you.”
    I groan and shake my head. “I’m not an idiot, Dad. I know it sounds insane but they’re strong. It comes in spurts though. It only lasts for a short while before they’re weak again.”
    “Maybe it’s a drug,” Nova says. Dad and I look over at her. “Seriously. Maybe they’re taking an upper like speed or something right before they fight each other. Or something that inhibits their brain from recognizing pain. That way they can ignore their normal human limits and fight harder.”
    Dad beams. “That is an excellent idea, Nova. Maci, keep an eye on them. See if they’re using needles or pills...maybe a flask that they keep sipping from.”
    They don’t see me roll my eyes as I step into my boots. That’s probably for the best. It’s not that I think Nova’s idea is stupid. It’s the total opposite. Her idea is probably right. The crazy way those men were acting-the lifeless look behind their glazed eyes-it’s all signs of someone on drugs.
    So yeah, I don’t roll my eyes because her idea is stupid. I roll my eyes because I should have thought of it first.

    Three guns point straight at me, their barrels cold. The police officers won’t shoot as long as I’m here, but that doesn’t stop them from hiding behind their weaponry. The human dispute is between two middle-aged men over the woman who was playing both of them.
    She sits on the sidelines smoking a cigarette and rubbing salve over her fresh shoulder tattoo. Even under the makeup I can tell she’s half their age. No wonder they’re fighting over her.
    The first guy was beaten nearly to a pulp when I arrived. All it took was a quick twist of his arm and an officer was able to handcuff him while I held him still. The second guy circles around me like a sumo wrestler, legs wide apart and shuffling, arms clenched into fists. He licks his lips, eyeing me up and down.
    “You’re just a baby,” he says. He licks his lips again. “They sent a baby to take me down? Must think I’m too old to be powerful.”
    I smile my polite Hero smile. “With respect sir, your age doesn’t matter so much as your species.”
    Another lick of his lips. “Why’s that?”
    I hold up my arms. Isn’t it obvious? I want to say it but I don’t. “Look, I’m sorry your lady friend has been less than loyal to you, but if I can just get your thumb print and then have you speak with the officers, I’m sure we can get you home in no time.”
    He stares at me, mouth slightly open as if he’s trying to think of some kind of joke or comeback. I reach out my arm, slowly, and motion for his hand. He gives it to me, still speechless. I press his thumb to my BEEPR.
    Then all hell breaks loose.
    “I don’t have to listen to you, Super .” He says the last word as if it were a dirty word.
    “I am Hero Maci Might. We can play this game, but you’ll be sorry.”
    His glassy eyes light up. He reaches into his pocket and the police cock their guns. I hold up a hand to let them know it’s okay. I’ve got this. No need to shoot.
    The man holds up a slender metal tube.

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