Outlaw Wolf (Volume Two - Nomad)

Outlaw Wolf (Volume Two - Nomad) by Mason Lee

Book: Outlaw Wolf (Volume Two - Nomad) by Mason Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mason Lee
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    Volume Two - Nomad
    It was morning. Bulldog was up early, and felt surprisingly excited about the day, despite the fact that it was a very ugly morning with rain falling steadily outside and the threat of a thunderstorm in the area. He opened his eyes and felt…happy. He had not been so chipper on waking in a long time. He had even jumped in the shower and put on a clean pair of blue jeans and a fresh t-shirt. He put on his chaps and heavy jacket against the rain. They wouldn't prevent him from being soaked to the skin by the time that he got to where he was going, but it would help. He waited around for a little while for at least a lessoning in the rain and then jumped on his bike and headed out. He was lucky, it wasn't that far of a ride to where he was heading, but as was the standard with Bulldog and his luck about two blocks from his destination the clouds opened up and the threatening thunderstorm came to bear. Bulldog gritted his teeth and dealt with it, even that could not break the good mood that he was in.
    He came to a stop at the red light of the intersection that had Joe's on the corner. He looked over at the parking lot and was actually giddy when he saw that the white car with the striped bear paw bumper sticker was in the same spot that it had been the day before. He pulled through the intersection and into the lot. He parked the bike in a spot where he would be able to see it though the large side window of the coffee house despite the fact that there were plenty of better spots much closer to the door. He loved his bike as most bikers did and he didn't like not being able to see it. As he walked into the front door of the place he knew why there were so many prime parking spots available. He had never in all of years of coming to Joe's seen it as empty as it was right then. The place was all but abandoned with the exception of an older man wearing khakis and a cardigan sweater eating a breakfast sandwich and drinking a large latte while reading the morning paper. Bulldog looked around, and then walked toward the counter where a pretty young girl was standing. He had never seen her before and assumed that she was the replacement for the inept idiot that had been fired the day before. The only other person that he saw was the older woman who had worked at the place for years. He could never remember her name but she was polite enough. Honestly it had surprised Bulldog that they had brought in a new manger from outside, he would have thought that if anyone was going to replace Jimmy when he left it would have been her. He imagined that the owner had a good reason for not making that choice though and he had to admit that he was glad that he had. If he had promoted the old woman then he would not have ever met Steve.
    The door to the kitchen swung open and Steve came walking out to the front service area with his iPad in his hand. He looked up to see Bulldog walking toward the counter and he suddenly found himself smiling. “Suzie, why don't you go and work on those materials that I gave you. I can handle the “rush…” If you have any question just let me know,” he said as he took over at the cash register.
    “Well, I'm not sure you will be able to handle this all by yourself Steve,” Bulldog said as he smiled at the manager with an innocent schoolboy look on his face.
    “Yeah, it's the weather. Normally when we have rain it actually drives business in. When it comes to a thunderstorm though, everybody wants to just stay in till the danger has passed which I guess I can more than understand,” Steve said. “Speaking of which; you look like a drowned rat.”
    “Well, yeah, but I didn't want to take a chance...” Bulldog said. Suddenly realizing that he had let slip out a little too much information.
    “On what?” Steve asked.
    “On…well not getting my coffee. I didn't want to take a chance on not getting my coffee,” Bulldog

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