Outcast (The Darkeningstone Series Book 2)

Outcast (The Darkeningstone Series Book 2) by Mikey Campling

Book: Outcast (The Darkeningstone Series Book 2) by Mikey Campling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mikey Campling
Tags: General Fiction
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to keep quiet,” Tostig said.
    Hafoc drew breath and opened his mouth to speak, but Flyta didn’t give him the chance. He grabbed Hafoc by the front of his tunic and pulled him close. “Do as you’re told, Hafoc,” he hissed.
    Hafoc nodded but Flyta kept hold of him, just to make things clear.
    “Let him go,” Tostig said, and with a grunt, Flyta obeyed. Hafoc straightened his tunic. He touched his talisman to make sure it was still there.
    “Hafoc,” Tostig said. “You are clumsy. You do not know how to track. You have no idea how to find your way in the forest. And you have no respect.” He paused, but Hafoc said nothing. “But Brond is your kin,” Tostig continued, “so I will tell you this and you will listen.”
    Hafoc nodded.
    “We have achieved nothing this night,” Tostig said. “If we had waited for daylight, we would’ve been more certain of the trail and moved faster. Now, the trail has gone and it is useless to carry on. We’ll rest here for what remains of the night. No fire. You should all sleep. I will stay awake for a while longer and then I’ll fetch one of you to take my place. We’ll try again at first light.”
    Without a word, Flyta and Sceort began removing their bows and quivers from their backs. They arranged their belongings carefully on the ground and lay down. Tostig stood and stretched his back. “Rest,” he said. Then he turned and walked silently to the edge of the clearing, and disappeared among the shadows.
    Hafoc stayed where he was for a while. Is that it? Doesn’t anybody else get to say something? But Tostig was not a man to waste time bandying words. It was hard for Hafoc, but he was beginning to see why other men followed Tostig. Their leader wasn’t easy to please, but he was ready to shoulder any burden. Everyone in the scouting party needed a rest, but Tostig had made himself responsible for their safety. He’d put their needs before his own. Maybe Tostig’s right , Hafoc thought. Maybe I am just clumsy and slow and useless . He sniffed. Whenever he’d tried to do things his own way, it had always ended up going wrong. Perhaps it was time to put his own ideas aside and learn from others instead.
    Hafoc sighed, then slipped his bow from his shoulder and took the quiver of arrows from his back. He placed them on the ground, looking across to copy the way Flyta had lain his weapons within easy reach. Then Hafoc lay on his side, curled an arm under his head and closed his eyes. The ground was cold and the damp seeped into his clothes and chilled his skin. But he was exhausted. He sensed a movement nearby and opened his eyes. Nelda stood nearby, watching him, her head lowered. She sniffed the air a few times then lay down on the ground and curled up. But she kept her eyes open, watching Hafoc.
    “Good dog,” Hafoc whispered. Nelda, at least, was on his side. Hafoc lay still and thought of Brond. Where was he now? Was he resting or was he lying in pain somewhere? Perhaps he was, even now, trying to escape. Tomorrow , Hafoc thought. We’ll pick up the trail tomorrow . Hafoc closed his eyes. Tomorrow, he would do his part. He’d try harder. He’d do what he was told. And they’d find Brond.
    Hafoc opened his eyes. The first soft light of dawn was already creeping across the sky. He uncurled, arched his back, and groaned under his breath. During the night, his neck and shoulders had locked into a solid block of aching muscle. There’s no time for aches and pains . The others were already standing together, speaking in whispers between mouthfuls of food and hasty swigs from their flasks. Hafoc pushed himself up from the damp ground and struggled to his feet. Without a fire, Hafoc had slept badly. The cold and damp had crept into his bones. The arm he’d been lying on was tingling and numb, and he rubbed some life back into it as he walked over to the men.
    Tostig glanced in his direction but the other two did not acknowledge him.

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