Out of the Depths

Out of the Depths by Valerie Hansen

Book: Out of the Depths by Valerie Hansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valerie Hansen
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himself, wondering what more he could have done. In the end, I think it killed him, too.”
    “So, you’ve had to be strong for everybody else.”
    “Yes. I’m proud to say I’m nothing like my parents. I never give up.”
    Nodding, he spoke quietly and with compassion. “I understand. No wonder you kept insisting my client’s drowning wasn’t my fault. You knew what harboring guilt like that can do to a person.”
    “Yes. Firsthand.”
    Trudy Lynn was watching him closely, waiting for an argument, when she saw the clear blue of his eyes grow misty. She wasn’t sure whether he was letting go of his misplaced blame or merely appreciating her opinion when he said, “Thank you,” but she took it as a very good sign.

    S unday morning dawned bright and clear. Cody had been planning to catch Logan after church and ask him more about good old Cousin Jim. Now that he’d heard Trudy Lynn’s sad tale of her childhood, he had a few questions for his sister, too.
    Personal inquiries about his hostess were probably out of line, he realized, yet her revelation had touched him deeply. No wonder she was so determined to be self-reliant. At a time when she should have been enjoying childhood she’d been forced to step into a grown-up’s shoes. Her skill and perseverance spoke well of her, yes, but there were still invisible scars.
    Cody smiled as he dressed. Early success in an adult role had made Trudy Lynn the most hardheaded woman he’d ever met. Although he now understood some of the reasons for her stubbornness, she still drove him crazy. For instance when she’d charged the prowler with only a canoe paddle for defense!
    He raked his fingers through his hair, venting his frustration. Much more excitement like that and he’d beturning gray before his time, as Sailor was starting to do around the muzzle.
    One glance at the placid canine brought back Cody’s smile. “You’re going to be on your own this morning, boy. I’m going out. Think you can be good while I’m gone?”
    The dog’s head drooped. He laid his ears back and settled a pitiful gaze on his master.
    “That’s right. I’m leaving. And you’re staying here. I want you to behave. I’ll leave you plenty of food and water. Just don’t break down any more doors, okay? Will wasn’t real happy about fixing this one the last time.”
    His dog’s expression made Cody shake his head and chuckle. “Now I know where the saying, hangdog-look, came from. That’s the most miserable face you’ve ever made.” He paused to ruffle the silky fur on the dog’s ears. “Cheer up, fella. I’ll bring you a treat. I promise.”
    He was still petting the dog when he heard a knock. Gathering up his crutches he called, “Come in. I’m ready.”
    Trudy Lynn eased the door open. The smile on her face grew to a grin when she saw him. “Morning.”
    “Good morning. I was just telling Sailor we’d bring him a treat. Will that be okay? I don’t want to put you out, but I wouldn’t want him to think I’d fib, either.”
    She giggled. “That’s fine. We’ll find something. Some of the stores are open on Sunday. And a few restaurants serve brunch after church, then close about two o’clock.”
    “They close early?” Cody joined her on the porch and secured the door. “Why?”
    “Because it’s Sunday, silly. The Sabbath.”
    “Ah, yes. Sunday in the Bible Belt. You weren’t kidding about this part of the country being different, were you?”
    “Nope.” She led the way to her pickup and opened the door for him.
    Cody scowled. “You don’t have to baby me.”
    “Sorry. My mistake.”
    He watched her flounce around to the driver’s side, her skirt swinging gracefully against her calves. If the green dress she’d ruined had actually been her favorite, this blue one deserved to be number two. It looked wonderful on her. Then again, everything she wore did.
    Trudy Lynn slipped behind the wheel and peered over at him. “Well? Get a move

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