Ours Is Just a Little Sorrow
way as I was hopeless to do naught but allow them their due.
    "Sprite, you undo me." He pulled me into an embrace, an embrace that felt more intimate than all the open mouthed kisses we'd shared. He surrounded me, his
arms, his scent, his heartbeat.
    I tasted the skin of his neck, his groan signifying a tender spot behind his ear, so I spent more time on it until he shivered and began gathering my
nightgown in tight fistfuls.
. That I had so much control over him with my untried passion was very empowering, so I kissed his mouth
again, taking the whisper of my name from his lips to my own. We maneuvered together in an unpracticed waltz to unfurl the gown from my limbs without
breaking our kiss. And then, he pulled it over my head.
    Though I was naked, Gideon's eyes didn't roam but stayed firmly locked with mine. The intensity of his stare was more effective than the peeling of my
clothes. He stripped me bare of all the things I thought I needed to cling to. It wasn't my skin he exposed, but the woman inside of it.
    He began with a soft kiss on my temple. Moving slowly, he pressed another towards my jaw, stopping for a quick nibble on my earlobe. I shivered mindlessly
when he suckled my neck.
    I didn't know there were so many places on my body directly connected to the place where my womanhood clenched, but Gideon knew. He mapped each nerve
ending with his tongue and his lips and an occasional light scrape of teeth. His busy fingers traced soft whorls onto the sensitive skin of my torso as his
kisses marauded south. He spent eons of time kissing me until I was a slave to need.
    "Please," I begged.
    "Please what, Vi?" He nipped at my earlobe, and I cried out, so he took my mouth in an intimate kiss, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I met him push
for push, sliding my hips in a primal rhythm that matched our kisses.
    And then he went back to my neck.
    He was going to kill me with painful, painful pleasure.
    "Please what?" he repeated. His hand finally cupped me below and I shamelessly rocked against him. "Tell me what you want."
    Though he was happy to take my virginity, he didn't want a passive lamb led to slaughter. But how could I tell him what I wanted when I wasn't sure myself?
"I don't know."
    "You know."
    Bastard. "For God's sake, Gideon. Take off your pants."
    He chuckled and rolled away to sit at the edge of the bed and remove his boots. He was too far away, so I crawled across the bedcovers and allowed myself
the bold pleasure of kissing his back.
    His skin was hot and I let my hands roam, enjoying the hot planes of his muscles and the way he shivered under my administrations. I craved to know
everything about his body. Gideon was perfectly formed for my pleasure. He was seducing me by sitting still, of all things.
    Overwhelmed, suddenly, by the intensity of all that I was feeling for him, I wrapped my arms around him and laid my chin against his shoulder. We were skin
on skin, my chest pressed against his back. For a moment, I thought he might end the embrace, but he dropped his head back so we were cheek to cheek and
held my arms tightly to him.
    In that moment, I was closer to Gideon than I'd ever been to another person my entire life. Not just physically. A bond had formed whether I wanted it or
not. I had thought maybe I could give him my body and nothing else, but I was wrong. So wrong.
    The prim governess and the reckless playboy. Who'd have guessed they would understand the other so perfectly, if only for one night?
    Even as I knew better, I allowed the moment to proceed. I breathed him in, let him settle into my soul as if he belonged there.
    It was going to hurt when this affair had run its course. It was going to hurt badly.
    Gideon sighed. "You feel entirely too good."
    "I was just thinking the same."
    "I'm going to do the most wonderful, terrible things to you very soon. I'm going to make you so hot you'll burn out the sun. In just a few moments, that
is." And he tightened his grip.
    "So far,

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