arbitrary and complex. They cannot be independently reinvented.”
Evidence of human activity (tools, fireplaces, etc.) at Monte Verde in Llanquihue Province in southern Chile has been dated to around 14,800 BC, thus predating Noah’s Flood by three thousand years, as many researchers, based on the obvious water erosion on the Sphinx plus other evidence in Mesopotamia, believe the flood occurred about 11,500 BC. The findings at this site, now considered the oldest human settlement in the Americas, initially were dismissed by the scientific community but today gradually have found some acceptance, even though it destroys long-held beliefs about the occupation of both North and South America, as the date 14,800 BC places it into the last ice age, which would have made a Siberian land bridge impassible.
Mysterious life-size crystal skulls dated to at least 3,600 years ago have been recovered in South America. A study published in the May 2008 edition of the Journal of Archaeological Science detailed how a team of British and American researchers, using electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography, found that a crystal skull in the British Museum had been worked and shaped using tools not available to the ancient Aztecs or Mayans. So they concluded that the museum’s skull may have been produced in the 1950s or later. “Some of them are quite good, but some of them look like they were produced with a Black & Decker in someone’s garage,” remarked Cardiff University professor Ian Freestone. Despite such efforts to explain away the crystal skulls, their true manufacture remains a mystery. The fact remains that many of the existent skulls are made from milky or clear rock crystal found in suitably large deposits only in Brazil, Madagascar, and even the Alps. Both the dating and locations in which the clear rock crystal skulls were found argue against simple forgery.
In Cuzco, Peru, long holes bored in ancient stone blocks exhibit score marks that show the use of some sort of high-speed rotary or vibrational drill, indicating that someone may have had access to such equipment, rather than the holes being simply modern hoaxes.
Throughout England, France, and Germany today stand many ancient stone forts constructed in defensible positions—there are at least fifty just in Scotland—built with large rocks that at some point were vitrified, melted from such heat as to become fused and glassy. The heat necessary to produce such an effect—up to 1,100 degrees Celsius (1,980 degrees Fahrenheit)—ruled out the possibility that the stones were melted by conventional fires. Due to the fact that the vitrification took place at the weakest point in the walls, many believe the fire was brought on by attackers, although no one can imagine how they generated such sustained heat.
Dr. E. W. Matvegeva with the Central Scientific Research Department of Geology and Exploitation of Precious Metals in Moscow reported in 1992 that tiny spirals of tungsten and copper were found by Russian geologists in the Ural Mountains. These particles were studied at four scientific institutions and were found to measure between .0003 millimeters and 3 centimeters (from about one one-hundred-thousandth of an inch to a little over one inch). They were dated to between three hundred thousand and one hundred thousand years ago, yet the proportions of their spirals were so regular that they could have been produced only by mechanical means. No one knows what purpose the spirals served. Today nanotechnology is commonplace, but such advances only began in the 1970s.
What appeared to be a computer dated almost a hundred years before Jesus was discovered in 1900 off the island of Antikythera near Crete. Known as the Antikythera mechanism, the device contained a system of differential gears not known to have been used until the 1700s. Many believe it is an artifact predating Greek culture that was looted and then lost while being shipped to Rome. Some think the
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