Our Lovely Baby Bump
Chapter One
    Charlie sat across the desk and looked at her doctor. The test came back and she could feel her fingernails biting into the palm of her hand as she listened to the doctor explain what the tests meant. Her worst fears were confirmed and now she had to decide what to do.
    “Charlie,” Dr. Monroe said gently. “It’s not a death sentence, it just means you have the genes for cervical cancer, that’s all. You could live a long life without even having anything but an abnormal pap-smear.”
    Charlie looked up and tried to keep the tears at bay. “My mother died at forty-two with cervical cancer, Barbara. I know my chances, and I don’t want to die like that, how she suffered.”
    “Then you can have the surgery and cut your chances in half.” Barbara had been her doctor since she was a teen and the oncologist that cared for her mother until the end.  “We can take your cervix and your uterus, leave your ovaries so it doesn’t thrust you into menopause.”
    “I want children,” Charlie said.
    Barbara gave her more options. “You’d still create eggs, or we can give you fertility treatments and then harvest your embryos and save them. Surrogates are a viable option.”
    This time the tears did fall hot and fat down her cheeks, and Charlie took an unsteady breath while trying to speak through all her emotions.
    Charlie pressed her hand against her stomach. “I want to feel a life I created grow inside me. I want to feel him or her kick for the first time and sing to my stomach.” She gave a watery laugh. “I saw Angel when she was pregnant and felt her son move in her belly. I want that.”
    “You can have that, Charlie, no one is taking that from you,” Barbara explained. “But we both know how you feel about the cancer that took your mother.”
    “What if I had a baby and then had the surgery?” Charlie asked.
    Barbara nodded and smiled. “You can do that. You can have two, maybe three children, it’s not something that has to be done right now.”
    “But the longer I wait, the more risk I run of developing cancer like my mother,” Charlie said knowingly.  “I know I could live my life and never have the disease, but we also know that since my mother had it, it’s more than likely I will too, especially with my abnormal pap-smears.”
    Barbara sighed. “Yes, that’s true, but…”
    “I know the facts, Barbara,” Charlie shook her head. “How many times have you seen this jump from daughter to child? Gran died of it, too, a few years later than momma did, but it’s all the same. The risk is too high for me. If I have a child I don’t want to leave him or her alone in the world. I want the surgery, but I want a baby first. You’ve been a friend, a doctor, and my confidant for years. This is what I want.”
    “Okay, then that’s what you’ll do,” Barbara said gently and then hesitated. “But then you need a father for this child, unless you plan to raise the baby alone and use a sperm bank.”
    Charlie smiled. “On that part I’m covered. There is someone, we’ve been doing the dance for a while. I think maybe he’ll be the one. He’ll understand and maybe he’ll say yes.”  Charlie stood and gathered up her coat and purse. “I’ll let you know what happens, you never know the next time you see me it may be because you’re my OBGYN.”
    Barbara grinned as she stood. “I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.”
    As Barbara walked her to the office door, Charlie impulsively hugged the older woman who had become like a mother to her over the years.
    “Thank you, for everything.” Charlie smiled.
    Barbara patted her cheek. “Never a problem, Charlie. See you soon.”
    Charlie walked down the hallway and out into the sunshine and took a deep breath of the Atlanta, Georgia air. Her heart was heavy, but she had expected the results of the testing, especially with her family history. At least in her case she was willing to take action to make sure she had a prolonged

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