Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal

Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal by Joshua Hoyt Page A

Book: Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal by Joshua Hoyt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joshua Hoyt
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Tom for a few more seconds then turned to leave. “Well, we better get to the dining room and let everyone know that you’re ok.”
    The two boys reached the dining room. “I found him,” Cody yelled.
    The others entered the dining room, relieved to find that Tom was all right. They all sat down at the table. Karman rang a bell and the servant began to serve breakfast while Tom told them about his dream and his meeting with the spirit. After Tom finished relating the tale the group sat contemplating.
    “ Tom, where is the book?” Kristiana asked.
    “ It’s still in the old library I couldn’t move it,” he replied.
    Karman pushed his chair back with a loud screech. “Well, let’s go have a look.”
    Karman stood and the rest followed him down to the old library. The silence was thick as they gathered in the library below and Kristiana looked down at the old book.
    “ It has the symbol of the order of the rose on the cover. Four roses with their stems interlaced. The four roses symbolize the four elements of the earth,” Kristiana said.
    John stepped forward and looked at the cover running his hand slowly over the four roses.
    Kristiana continued, “It is said that the order was broken up into four groups that worked as one. The blue was for water, red for fire, white or clear for air and brown for earth.” She carefully opened the cover and began running her finger across the page. “This language is foreign to me I can’t make it out.”
    Tom hesitated briefly and then came around the table next to Kristiana. He put his finger on the page that she was looking at and the words began to form in his mind as they did earlier.
    “It says that the order of the Rose was founded when the world was first formed. The order was a group of men who had been gifted with the ability to form magic and manipulate the energies within themselves.” His head began to ache but he continued reading aloud. “This group of men protected the first council who reigned in peace for many generations. The council became greedy and they wanted the power that the order held. They found allies among the order and with their help they were able to overthrow many. They betrayed their new allies and through unknown magic they were able to strip the order of their energy and infuse their own bodies with it. They were known from then on as warlocks, they were greatly feared. They no longer cared about peace but only about power and how they could get more.” Tom stopped, holding his hand to his head.
    “ The council continued to grow in its hunger for power and eventually turned on one another. There were a few of the order that escaped the power hungry council who created secret libraries that were protected from outsiders. The order continued to fight for peace. Because of their reduction in number, some felt that the only way to bring about peace was to strip the whole world of magic. A smaller group within the order feared that if they were to do that, a small amount of magic would be left and there would be no one to stop it. The small group thought that what would be best was to have the magic stripped from men and given to a small amount of women who would have to have a counterpart who would temper their magic. This small group met together and made a pact calling themselves, The Forsaken Petal.” Tom’s head began to pound and the images started to blur.
    “ That’s enough for now,” Cody said as he grabbed Tom’s arm. “We can read more tomorrow I don’t think the book is going anywhere soon.”
    Tom let Cody steady him, leaning heavily on his friend.
    “This is amazing! This is the missing link to how enchantresses were brought into the world. We all study our origins and the importance of counterparts but there is so much missing in the histories.” Kristiana looked down at the book intently running her fingers along the pages of the book.
    “ Tom, you say that the images just come into your head when you look at the

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