them how he had hypnotized me into the deep-throat techniques.
“She can take the whole thing in her mouth,” he said. “She can swallow the whole thing.”
“Oh, Phil tried to get me to do that,” Barbara giggled. “But I could never manage it. I think Phil’s just too much man for me.”
This was the level of conversation that night. And before we were through, the two men decided to demonstrate their prowess as hypnotists. Mandina put Barbara under and gave her a post-hypnotic suggestion: “When you wake up, you are going to be very thirsty. You’re going to feel like you’re in the middle of the desert, and you’re going to run into the bathroom for a drink of water.”
After awakening, Barbara fluttered her eyes, a couple of times and then made a dash for the bathroom. She immediately realized what had happened and she said, “Oh, Phil, you did it to me again.”
Then Chuck hypnotized me. Chuck had a sure-fire way of telling when I was really hypnotized and when I was faking it so there was nothing to do but allow myself to be hypnotized. Chuck’s post-hypnotic suggestion took a somewhat different course, one more in keeping with his personality.
“When you come to, you are going to take off all your clothes,” he said. “You will get undressed and you will get turned on when you look at Barbara. Then you are going over to Barbara and you are going to undress her. And then you’ll make love to Barbara. All she’ll have to do is touch you and you’ll come.”
When he took me out of hypnosis, I was in a cold sweat. Sometimes I was able to remember everything Chuck said to me when I was under. Some of his suggestions I was powerless to resist, and some I just wouldn’t do. He once told me to make love to a dog and I wouldn’t do that; another time he told me would have an orgasm during oral sex with a man, and that didn’t happen, although it was eventually the entire plot of Deep Throat .
To protect myself from a later beating—and Chuck would be furious with me if I didn’t follow his post-hypnotic suggestions—I would always play along at least part of the way. So I began by taking off my clothes. I took off all my clothes and stopped. In a way I was playing along with Chuck, and in a way I wasn’t. All three of them were staring at me, waiting for the rest of it. And then I undressed Barbara. It was a strange sensation. As I was doing it, I became more and more scared. I knew what they were waiting for, and I didn’t know how far I was going to go. If that sounds confused, it should. I was confused.
We were both naked then and we were sitting on the carpet together. I knew what was supposed to happen next. I was expected to put my arms around Barbara and start making love to her. But that didn’t happen. I couldn’t go that far.
There’s one thing about all that hypnotism that really scares me. Someday I’m going to sit down with a psychiatrist and get everything out. There are whole days, groups of days, when I don’t remember a thing. Sometimes I’d wake up and have to ask what day of the week it was. The things I can remember are so horrible, I wonder what happened on those days that I can’t remember. The idea of finding out scares me, but the idea of never finding out scares me even more.
Repeated exposures to Phil Mandina didn’t make him any more likable. Still, Chuck continued to bring the four of us together after our return to Miami. Now our meetings took place on Mandina’s houseboat. Chuck kept telling me I had to get something going with Barbara, or else.
I warned Barbara about this: “There’s something crazy about Chuck. He’s always trying to get me to do weird things. Now he’s mad at me because I haven’t been coming on with you at all.”
“Oh, Phil’s just like that, too,” Barbara said. “He’s always after me to do crazy things.The only reason I do them is it makes him so happy.”
On this particular night, the two men were inventing
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