Open Your Eyes

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Book: Open Your Eyes by Jani Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jani Kay
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made your own before?” he asked when he saw the puzzled look on my face. “I’ll show you how, it's a lot of fun and once you’ve tasted it you’ll never go back to store bought pasta.”
    This man never ceased to amaze me with his talents. He was pure genius at everything he did, and now clearly at cooking too. Truth be told I wasn’t sure my strategy at Scrabble was going to work, but I wasn’t going to admit that to him. I was looking forward to being served breakfast in bed way too much for that.
    He tied an apron around my waist, then moved my hair to the side and planted a kiss on my shoulder before tying a bow behind my neck.
    “Let's prepare the pasta dough first; I’ll get all the ingredients from the pantry.”
    “That’s it? Only flour, eggs and salt?” I said as he returned and placed the ingredients on the marble counter. I watched as he made a mound of flour on the counter top. Then he formed a well in the center of the flour and cracked four eggs into it. He grabbed a fork and gently whisked the eggs, gradually drawing in the flour till the dough became thick.
    “Wow, that’s fascinating,” I said, perving at his thick sexy forearms and slender hands as he so expertly started kneading the dough. I could watch him all day and never grow tired. Next he shaped the dough into a disc and coated it lightly with flour. He wrapped it in plastic wrap and set it aside to rest.
    “Now comes the fun part .” He winked at me and I grinned like a kid in a candy shop.
    “What’s that, rolling it out?” I clapped my hands in glee as he set the pasta machine in front of me.
    “Not yet. The dough has to rest for thirty minutes. The fun part is kissing you while we wait.”
    He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him. He smeared a line of flour on my cheeks and nose. “So cute and adorable,” he rasped as he leaned in for a kiss. It had been a very long time since anyone had called me cute or adorable. It may have been my aunt when I was five or six.
    I leaned over and grabbed the packet of flour and poured some over his head.
    “You rascal!” he cried as the white powder settled on his hair and face, even in his lush eyelashes. He snatched the packet from my hand and sprinkled some over me as well.
    “Oh no, I just washed my hair this morning.”
    “You should have thought of that before you got into a food fight with me .” He grinned.
    “Not so cute and adorable any more, am I?” I laughed as I tried to shake the flour off.
    Nick just squeezed me tighter to him. “Oh yes, even more cute and adorable now and totally kissable.”
    He swooped down and kissed me, dipping me in a ridiculous tango-like grip. I lost my balance and slipped on the flour that had settled on the floor, pulling Nick down with me.
    “Oh I like this, a roll in the flour!” He rolled our bodies till we were completely covered in a fine white powder. I landed underneath him, pulling him down by his collar for a kiss.
    “What the hell…” Olivia walked into the kitchen, followed by Sarah. “You guys are hilarious.”
    Nick and I looked at each other . Without saying a word, he jumped up, grabbed hold of the packet and sprinkled flour on the girls too. They shrieked and begged him not to, but he didn’t stop till the packet was empty and the kitchen covered in a fine layer of flour.
    “Fine mess you got us into .” Nick laughed as he pulled me up from the floor.
    “We were just on our way out,” Sarah wailed, “and look at us now. We’re all messed up.”
    “Well, if you had checked with me first, I would have told you that you aren’t going anywhere tonight. Not until Josh gets here and can accompany you.”
    “We don’t need a babysitter,” Sarah retorted, clearly not happy.
    “I'm sorry, sweetheart, but until the drama from Christmas Eve is solved, the two of you aren’t going anywhere without protection,” Nick said, a hard edge to his voice that didn’t invite arguments. “I'm not trying to

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