One True Love
parade their heir and offsprings in front of members of the ton . He would be a good father to his children, and he had no doubt Cassie would make a wonderful and loving mother.
    As they approached Rosehill Manor, William gently shook his bride to awaken her. "Cassie. Cassie, wake up sweetings. We are home." She lifted her head, yawned and wiped the sleep away from her eyes. At that moment his heart flipped over. He thought of all of the mornings he would be able to watch her awaken, and suddenly his future beamed bright as daylight.
    "Home?" She stretched and sat up and looked out the window before letting out a tiny gasp. She put her hand to her lovely lips. "Oh my."
    "I hope you find it as breathtaking as I do." Her eyes widened as they entered through the iron gate opened by two footmen. The carriage climbed to the top of the hill.
    "I never imagined. I did not realize how impressive your home would be."
    " Our home, my lady ." He gave her mouth a little kiss and watched as her eyes grew round, and change from light green to a smoky emerald.
    Desire welled up then spiraled downward into a place from which he might never return. He drug his finger along Cassie's cheek then stroked her lips with his thumb, before trailing down her long white neck, then dipping to touch between her breasts. She caught her breath and lowered her eyes to where his finger lazily traced a line across her swelling bosom. He swept his hand around the nape of her neck and gently pulled her toward him.
    Cassie's mouth opened and yielded to his kisses. He flicked his tongue across her lips and into her mouth and drank deeply as if she were the finest and most costly wine imaginable. He tasted her depths and her warmth, both perfect company for a cold winter night. Groaning, he pulled away and rolled his neck from side to side before he become carried away with his innocent wife in a carriage when their marriage bed awaited them.
    "We have arrived," William whispered. The carriage rolled to a stop and the footman opened the door. He stepped down and held out his hand. First came his bride's milky white hand, then her slippered foot, and last her lovely face emerged from the carriage. She looked up in appreciation at her new home.
    "Rosehill Manor is magnificent, my lord."
    "Call me William."
    Cassie gave him a quizzical look before responding. "Very well, William ."
    He took her arm and led her towards the steps leading to the front doors. When they came to the bottom step he swept her into his arms and carried her the rest of the way. She let out a tiny gasp, then wrapped her arms around his neck. At the perfect moment, Scott opened the door to allow his master to carry the new mistress of Rosehill Manor over the threshold.
    "Welcome home my lord, my lady."
    William set Cassie down and allowed her body to slide down his, ending chest to chest. He held her to him while he spoke, "I imagine you will want to rest before dinner. I will show you to your bedchamber."
    "I am rather tired." She agreed and looked up at him while biting her trembling lower lip, questioning him with her eyes.
    He took his new wife's hand and led her up the stairs and down the long hallway to the west wing of the house. They came to a private parlor with two doors; one leading to her bedchamber, and one leading to his. A connecting door joined the two rooms. It was an opening he planned to cross this night, but for now he would give her time to adjust to her surroundings, and get some rest.
    William opened the door to Cassie's room, and startled the maid out of her slumber. She popped out of the chair positioned next to the warm fire and dropped to a curtsy. "My lord, my lady."
    "Katie, this is my wife, Lady William Prescott. She will be your new mistress. You are to attend to her every need. Cassie, this is Katie, your lady's maid. My mother selected her for you."
    "A lady's maid?" She seemed a bit

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