One Thousand Years to Forever

One Thousand Years to Forever by Mary Moriarty

Book: One Thousand Years to Forever by Mary Moriarty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Moriarty
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love to have you down, but wait, they are coming up for the
holidays. Then for New Years’ we are going down to Boston for a
birthday celebration. My brother’s birthday is on New Year’s Day
and we have cousin’s in Boston. My mother was excited I was going
on a date with you. She told me, “it’s about time you went out on a
date... ””
    She walked back into the kitchen
while Colum was tasting the soup’s broth. He brought the spoon up
to her lips. She could smell the lamb and the seasonings, the acini
de pepe were like tiny pearls in her mouth. The texture of the
broth was like liquid velvet. She felt some dribble down her chin
and watched as Colum came in close and licked it off. He caught her
chin and kissed her lips. “You are a fetching kitchen
    Katherine laughed. “God, my mom has
a kitchen witch magnet on her fridge, I hope I am sight better
looking then that.”
    Colum laughed.
    They sat at the farm table in the
kitchen eating their soup. Quiet prevailed except for the sleet
hitting the windows. “God, I’m glad to be inside.” Katherine
    “ You and me both. I don’t like
being out in weather like this... unless there is an urgent
    Katherine took another spoonful of
her soup. “I’ve never had this soup this way. It was wonderful and
the lamb chops were perfect.”
    Colum smiled. “I’m glad. It’s not
often that I cook, so this made for a quick meal, we can eat then
    Katherine didn’t
feel like she could really relax. There was tension in the air. It
crackled like the fire in a fireplace. She felt like she would
combust soon. She wasn’t sure she wanted it to happen but on the other hand
she did. She was
jolted gently out of her daydreaming.
    “ Katherine, I think it’s been a
long day for you. Let’s clean up here and we can go talk in front
of the fire until you fall asleep.”
    Katherine felt like that was a dash
of cold water in the face. Maybe he didn’t want to after all. Maybe
she had been imagining everything. Figures. Here it had been years
and she was kinda getting her hopes up... She tried not to show how
she felt. She got up from the table feeling very foolish but
putting on her best face.
    “ I’ll clear the table, you put the
soup away.”
    “ OK, I’ve got it.” He leaned over
and kissed the tip of her nose, then brought the pot of soup into
the kitchen.
    “ You don’t normally eat this
informal, do you?”
    “ Not usually. Normally, all the
men eat with me but at the dining room table, up at my parents’ we
eat formally all the time. You will see, there is an army of
servants up there.”
    Katherine could see that. She knew
just from what she had seen in this house, that eating informally
wasn’t their thing. Not if they were as rich, if not richer than
England and Europe’s royalty.
    After getting things cleared up, he
held her hand as he walked her upstairs.
    Leading her down the hall and then
up the first flight of stairs she felt herself getting a bit
lightheaded. They reached the dimly lit hallway and started walking
down until they got to her door.
    “ Remember we are just going to
relax, no pressure.”
    Her tiredness rolled off her like
waves on a beach.
    “ No pressure?” Came her voice just
above a whisper.
    Colum saw how she felt. Pulling her
in, he held her. She had been strong for so long. “No pressure... I
    They lay on the carpet in front of
the fire, enjoying the quiet. The only thing that could be heard
was the fire’s crackle and the wind that howled. Some wood popped
and then hissed. Colum heard a sigh come from Katherine. “Come
here... ” he said as he pulled her in and kissed her forehead. “Now
lie down on your stomach and I will rub your back. I want you to
relax and fall asleep.”
    Katherine was feeling the effects
of a long, exciting day. “Mmm, that feels so good.”
    He could tell she was relaxing.
Massaging her shoulders, he felt the tense feeling muscles relax.

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