One Plus Two Minus One
shoulders back against the wall. He had his hands up under her ass,
so he could bounce her up and down on his cock, but she was mostly
helpless. She could wriggle up and down, but not very much. She
wrapped her arms and legs around him and leaned back on the wall
and held on as best she could.
    He was hard and she was wet and he just held
her there and fucked her.
    He came but
still held her up. She watched,
impressed. “I haven’t,” she whispered, “Keep going.”
did. Just did, didn’t argue, didn’t try
and put her down. He went a bit soft, but she ground against him
and got herself there.
    He watched
until she was done, then put her down. Lowered her carefully, until her feet reached the floor,
then let go like he wanted to wince.
    She pulled the condom off him and went and
threw it in the kitchen bin, then brought two glasses of water
    “I’m impressed,” she said.
    He took the
glass and drank, and grinned past it. “I
really fucking like you,” he said.
    “ And I like
being picked up and banged against a wall. Apparently.”
    He looked smug.
    “ I haven’t
done that before,” she said. “Been picked
up. Ever.”
    “ Nope. Told you, not nearly as kinky as
    He grinned.
    She looked at
him and thought about kinky and how he had his own weird
shit. “Was that because we had a
    “ You like it
that much? That I’m a
    She kissed
him. “Okay. Just so I know.”
    “Say fuck.”
    She looked at
him “Fuck me.”
    “Say shit.”
    “Shit I love to fuck you.”
    “Say goddamn fucking cunt fuck.”
    “ It’s really,
really hot to watch you talk about group theory for an hour then
come here and see the real you. Foul
mouth and orgasms and all.”
    “Well, fuck you,” she said, and grinned.
    “ I have to
go,” he said. “Another lecture.
    She looked at
him, a bit surprised. “I don’t care.
    He pulled up his jeans, hadn’t actually got
undressed at any point. “You’ve got my number, right?”
    “From my records?”
    “ Creepy,” she
said. “Really creepy.” She went over to
the table and got her phone. “What is it?”
    He told her and she put it in, then showed
him to check it was right.
    “What’s yours?” he said.
    “What name are you going to put it
    “Doctor hot maths professor?”
    She waited.
    “Put Liz.”
    “You’re Elizabeth on all the college
    “And I walk into lectures and say I’m Beth,
your professor, so just fucking do it my way, please.”
    He grinned,
nodded, did as she asked. Showed her he
had afterwards.
    “ And I don’t
really do talking on the phone,” she said. “Not with people I don’t know well. So don’t get offended
if I don’t.”
    “You don’t know me well?”
    She decided
he was joking. “Not yet,” she said. “I
know your cock, but I don’t know you.”
    He looked at her like he couldn’t decide
whether he wanted to fuck her again.
    “ I need to do
some work,” she said, but she didn’t really mean it. If he’d tried, she’d have had more
    He didn’t
though, just nodded. “I’ll text. Hi, want
to fuck, a time. Nothing else.”
    “ Yep,” she
said. “Great.”
    She still
didn’t have anything on, so she stood behind the door and opened
it. “Um,” she said. “Want to
    He grinned
and nodded, kissed her, left, then came straight back. “Almost forgot,” he said, and held out her
    She took them, kissed him again, leaned out a
little far from behind the door, and watched him go.
    Apparently she wanted a lot of sex at the
    Beth worked
for a couple of hours, but couldn’t concentrate. She kept looking over at the hall, and thinking about
Ethan, and smelling her hand almost certain she could still get a
hint of him on her skin.
    In the end she decided she needed a walk, so
she went back to campus, found Amanda and dragged

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