One of the Guys
in his. Our fingers don’t intertwine, but then they don’t need to for my body to react to the jolts of electricity that are shooting through from this simple touch. I notice how well my hand fits right there, it’s almost perfect.
    My hand sits in his five seconds too long which seems like five minutes or even five years and I jerk my hand away and try to turn before he can see my blushing face. But it’s too late and I can feel the temperature in my body continuing to rise along with my heart now hammering in my chest.
    Lucky for me, Wendy came back in the living room and Cole took about three steps back from me but he was still wearing that stupid smirk. What was going on in his mind? Would he have leaned in closer and kissed me if she hadn’t walked back in? Not knowing is driving me insane. Because dammit, I would have kissed him. I would have kissed him with everything I have.
    “We need a little more than the usual Cole, I invited Sam for dinner.” Wendy announced as she made her way towards us.
    “Sounds fun. I think I’ll hang around tonight.” He winks and I feel my knees almost buckle underneath me. What happened to Cole doesn’t stick around when there is company? Not that I’m complaining or anything but since the moment a second ago, I’m having a hard time getting my body back in control.
    Cole got on his phone to order the pizza. Within a few seconds, the order was placed. He disappeared for a few minutes. My heart sank in my chest as I found myself wondering where he went and when he would be coming back. What a freaking loser.
    “So Sam, do you think you’ll like it at the gym?” Wendy asked after nearly chugging a whole bottle of water.
    “Um, I think so. It’s extremely new to me. I don’t want to look stupid.”
    She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Trust me, you look anything but stupid. Just hang in there; this was just your first day.”
    I smiled getting ready to continue our conversation when there was a knock at the door. Cole came running by out of nowhere to open it for the pizza guy. He barreled into my arm nearly knocking my balance off. Without any hesitation he turned grabbing my arm to steady me, “I’m sorry Sam, you ok?”
    My face turned a crimson red as I tried to stammer out a response. Dammit, I’m trying to talk but nothing is coming out. He flashed a grin that could have melted a stick of butter and for that split second it felt like we were the only two in the room. I swear the look in his eyes is different this time, there’s something behind them that is begging to be noticed. The knock on the door repeats and just like that, we’re out of the moment. Bummer.
    As much as I want to eat like a lady, I can’t help but stuff the piece of pepperoni pizza in my mouth and it tastes so freaking delicious. The cheese is hot but not hot enough to burn my roof of my mouth. Cole and Wendy joke around the whole time and she admits she’s going to miss him when she moves out. Watching their relationship is interesting, makes me wonder what it would have been like if I had a brother or sister. The love they have for each other can’t be touched, their closeness makes me smile. I help Wendy pick up the mess and she pulls out some leftover cheesecake from the refrigerator. I’m already stuffed but who can resist a piece of strawberry cheesecake?
    “This isn’t anything special, I promise. It’s the no-bake shit. Wendy is no Betty Crocker.” Cole leaned over whispering loud enough to where Wendy could hear him. His voice sent shivers down my spine and I got that jittery feeling that I was wishing would disappear because it was going to be trouble.
    “Screw you Cole. It’s good and you know it. You ate half the damn thing the first night.” She was practically shooting daggers in his direction but stopped and smiled handing me my piece. He reached his hand out for his own piece but she just glared at him. “Get

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