One More Time

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Book: One More Time by RB Hilliard Read Free Book Online
Authors: RB Hilliard
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Erotic
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her. “You’re Ibby and she’s Milly.” Amelia let out another loud wail.
    “I like you calling me that,” she sweetly replied. “Could you hand me her diaper bag, please?” she asked as she settled back on the bed.
    While she fed Amelia, I walked Brutus. Something about this simple act felt right. Actually, something about this whole evening, other than the confrontation with Dana, felt right.
    When I got back inside, I went to see if the girls needed anything else from me before I locked up for the night. I was slightly disappointed to find Isabella in one of my T-shirts. I liked her naked in my bed. I will have to make that a house rule from here on out. She was lying on her side sound asleep. Her body was curled around a wide awake Amelia. Quietly, I lifted the baby from the bed. On the way out the door, I grabbed my guitar and the diaper bag and headed into the living room. It took me a few minutes to figure out the logistics of baby, dog and guitar. Picking up the car seat, I placed it on the coffee table in front of me. I placed Milly in it and covered her with a blanket. Then I made Brutus lie down at my feet. Finally, I situated my guitar and strummed a few chords.
    “I think Milly suits you just fine,” I told her.
    Forty minutes later, both dog and baby were sound asleep. As I locked up the apartment and carried Milly’s car seat into the bedroom with me, the feeling of rightness crept over me once again. This time, I didn’t push it away. Not wanting to wake Milly up, I lay the bucket on the bed next to Ibby. I was pretty sure she would know what to do with it when she woke up. As I crawled in beside them, I thought about how comforting it was to know they were there. That night I didn’t dream at all.
    The next few days were crazy busy, but awesome. I took Ibby and the baby to Dragonfly and introduced them to everyone they hadn’t met at the garage. We helped Piper and Gage move into their new place and celebrated their first official night in their new home with Max, Ellie, Joss and Kurt. We had sex every chance we got…crazy, fucking, amazing sex. I slept curled protectively around them both each night and continued to enjoy a dreamless sleep. I didn’t want to think about the lab results or the fact that I might not be Amelia’s biological father.
    On the eighth morning, Milly woke up crying. I knew Isabella had recently fed her, so she couldn’t be hungry. Before she woke Ibby, who had been up several times with her during the night, I snatched her up and took her into the living room where I found the strange back pack contraption Isabella used when she had to walk the dog and deal with Milly at the same time. Instead of sitting on your back like a normal backpack, it sits on your front, so you can see the baby. After twenty minutes of cussing, I finally figured out how to get the thing on. To quiet her baby squawks, I shoved a pacifier in Milly’s mouth. Then I leashed Brutus up and off we went.
    The entire forty-five minute walk Milly squawked like an angry chicken. Normally a walk in the front pack would put her to sleep. More than once I had to stop and check to make sure it wasn’t pinching her legs. By the time we got back to my street, I was as frantic as she was.
    What the fuck?
    Upon returning to the apartment, I unhooked the dog from his leash and tried to remove Milly from the contraption. Ten minutes later, I decided it was a total piece of shit and Ibby needed to take it back and get a refund. As I lifted her out, she stiffened her spine and let out a loud squeal of pain. Great, I hurt her . Isabella’s never going to let me be alone with her again . Needing to check which part of her was damaged I inserted both hands under her baby armpits and steadied her head with the tips of my fingers as I raised her high into the air. Right at eye level, she made a strange grunting noise and released a loud fart. I’m not kidding, it could have easily been generated by a very large

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