One Lucky Lady

One Lucky Lady by Kaylin Bowen

Book: One Lucky Lady by Kaylin Bowen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaylin Bowen
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been asking about the weather. She didn’t hear Mac tell Buddy about it being stolen. Huh .
    “Yes. Which one are these to?” Mac asked, holding up a set of keys.
    “The black Jeep. It’s not real pretty, but it runs good and it’s just how you like ‘em.”
    Mac nodded and looked to Alex. “You saw us drive in?”
    “Yeah, but my video surveillance seems to have malfunctioned. Damnedest thing. Ya’ll need anything else?” Buddy was smiling.
    “We had to leave in a hurry. We don’t have anything with us and I don’t want her anywhere that has working surveillance equipment.”
    “No problem, any preferences.” He was looking at Alex. Alex was a little lost in the conversation. She was almost certain half their conversation was taking place telepathically.
    Mac offered, “She prefers a twenty-two. I’m not picky.”
    With that Buddy saluted Mac and left.
    Alex was still looking at the closed door when Mac cleared his throat and made her jump.
    “I assume you have questions.” Mac raised his eyebrows.
    Alex nodded then started, “How do you know him? Why is he in a wheelchair? How did he know about the Blazer? What’s with the Jeep? And, how did you know he was talking about guns?” Alex rattled them off so fast she had to stop and take a breath.
    Mac was grinning with his arms across his chest, studying her. “I used to work with him. He took a bullet saving one of his witnesses. It did some damage to his spinal cord. The Blazer is not really my type of car and you don’t look like the type to drive it, either. The jeep is armored and fast and has been modified with a wider wheel base so it doesn’t roll easily. And he can tell your size and does pretty well with clothes, but everyone has different opinions or comfort levels on guns.” Mac brought his arms down to his sides and moved closer to her.
    Alex looked thoughtful for a minute, then nodded and said, “Okay.”
    “Okay?” Mac was just six inches away from her and he was shaking his head and chuckling again, looking down at the floor. I’ll never figure this woman out.
    Alex raised her chin and crossed her arms. “What’s so funny?”
    “Do you just take everything in stride? Do you ever get mad about anything? You know like people hunting you, being knocked up and hiding from your daddy, guys sitting in front of the house you’re supposed to be in, driving to Savannah without notice and without anything else.” Mac inched closer to her.
    “Only if necessary. There is no point in getting all worked up over things I can’t control. Especially when I have a feeling everything will work out okay in the end. However, when I do get mad I get really mad. Nothing to worry about yet.” Except that he was standing way to close.
    Mac reached out and put his hands on her hips. “Would you get mad if I kissed you again?” He tilted his head and watched as her eyes went wide and her lips parted. “Is that a yes or a no?”
    Alex moved her hands to cover his, intent on removing them from her body, but as soon as her hands touched his, she stopped moving. That warm sensation started in her belly again, and quickly spread through her body. She could see his eyes had gone to that almost-black color again.
    Mac decided he would take that as a no, and pulled her hips to him and leaned close to her. He watched as her eyes closed, and her hands moved to his chest. He slid his lips gently over hers and she didn’t pull away. Keeping his hands on her hips and his lips to hers, he walked her back until she was against the door.
    He could feel her hands tighten in his shirt. Mac had one hell of an erection and she had to know what was pressing against her stomach. For a second he thought she was going to push him away. He mentally prepared for her to slap him. Instead, she pulled him as close as she could get him.
    Alex thought she really should stop, but her body

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