One Hand Jerking

One Hand Jerking by Paul Krassner Page A

Book: One Hand Jerking by Paul Krassner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Krassner
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    And so I hereby call to the attention of law enforcement officials an article in the January 27, 2003 issue of Time magazine, which states: “At cafés around UCLA and in college towns across the country, students are passing around the hookah, the ancient Middle Eastern water pipe filled with sweetened tobacco. . . .
[I]n the past couple of years, the hookah has been resurrected in youth-oriented coffehouses, restaurants and bars. . . . The Gypsy Cafe, which has been in business for 15 years, serves up as many as 200 hookahs a night at $10 a pipe. At the Habibi, which opened two years ago . . . smokers have rented more than 500 hookahs in a night. . . . Young patrons of the lounges agree that part of the hookah’s charm lies in its illicit associations. ‘It looks illegal,’ says [a] Gypsy customer, 18, with a grin, sucking on his hookah with the insouciance of the blue caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland , ‘but it’s not.’”
    And, just in case you guys at the DEA missed it, a guest on Late Night gave Conan O’Brien a beautiful bong, and he kept it! Hurry, it’s still in his possession. He plans to use it as a glass-eye holder, but that doesn’t matter, you can still bust him.
    The cruel absurdity of anti-paraphernalia laws is underscored by the creative substitutes, such as apples, soda cans, toilet-paper cardboard tubes and aluminum foil, tweezers used as roach clips, and don’t forget those plain old, regular tobacco pipes. Indeed, in Fulton, Kentucky, police investigating a marijuana-smoking complaint, found pot burning on a backyard grill with a large fan on the other side of the house, sucking the smoke through the home, in effect, said the police chief, “turning the house into a large marijuana bong.” Seize it immediately, boys!
    At a press conference announcing the February raids, Attorney General John Ashcroft went out of his way to praise the DEA, which had been criticized earlier this year, in a White House budget office assessment of government performance, as being “unable to demonstrate its progress.” Yes, the business of America is indeed business, and all that those DEA agents ultimately want is simply to keep their jobs.

    As I write this, the trial of Ira Einhorn for the murder of his girlfriend, Holly Maddux, is scheduled to begin. I have no doubt that he did it, but whatever the verdict, here are several facts, most of which will not be revealed in the courtroom.
    Einhorn claims that the CIA framed him because he knew too much about
mind-control technology, top secret weapons and unidentified flying objects. Yet they didn’t assassinate him . Instead, he insists, they bludgeoned her to death, stuffing her body into a padlocked steamer trunk in a locked closet in his apartment.
    Downstairs neighbors complained that “bodily fluids” were seeping down through their ceiling and staining their kitchen wall. Einhorn never investigated the godawful smell in his own apartment during the 18 months before he was apprehended. But why bother? He already knew that the stench was caused by her decomposing remains. One witness heard noisy thumps and a scream around the time Maddux disappeared. Another was asked by Einhorn to help him dump the trunk, explaining that it contained “top secret” documents.
    Einhorn had a reputation for being violent toward women. I was tripping on LSD the day I met him in 1968, and he reeked with vibes of manipulation. Later on, I dated one of his former girlfriends, and she verified for me what an egomaniacal control freak he had been.
    The media reported that he founded Earth Day and was the master of ceremonies at their event in Philadelphia. In reality, his mission there was to seize the microphone and proceed to hog it for half an hour. This so-called hippie guru was really an opportunistic scam artist. He became the New Age advisor to mainstream powermongers,

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