Once Written, Twice Shy (The Broken Men Chronicles)

Once Written, Twice Shy (The Broken Men Chronicles) by Carey Decevito Page B

Book: Once Written, Twice Shy (The Broken Men Chronicles) by Carey Decevito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carey Decevito
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    “I know what I want for my birthday,” he said
after a short moment of silence between us.
    I looked down and eyed him on the sidewalk before
crossing the street.  “What’s that?”
    “Can we go see Allie?”
    “I don’t think Mom would like that very much,” I said,
being cautious with my choice of words and tone.  He didn’t need to know about
the current hostility that festered between his parents, “she might miss you
too much.”
    “But Allie is missing me longest, I know she is,
Daddy,” he said.  “Maybe we can have her visit again and then we can make more
    It’s all about the pancakes but then again, I knew
there was more to it than that.  I shook my head at his persistence.  “I’ll see
what I can do,” I said.
    Today was the day.   Not knowing how
the week would play out, I had taken most of it off, spending as much time with
Jasper as I could seeing as I wouldn’t have him for the entire week.  I didn’t
like it, especially with not knowing how this whole court thing was going to
work out.  With my son’s sitter being ill, Todd would be looking after him
while we were occupied with our respective lawyers.
    Showered, shaved, and ready to get going, I chose
to check my email before heading out for the courthouse.  My heart leapt out of
my chest when I saw Alissa’s name in my inbox.  I paused before clicking on it.
    It had been nearly a week since I had last heard
from her, seen her.  My over-analytical brain began to turn at breakneck
speed.  I worried that she’d have some bad news or worse, a change of heart.
    I missed her more than I ever believed I could and
that fact alone swayed me.  After all, if she’d had changed her mind about us,
she wouldn’t be doing anything to end things over an email; it wasn’t like her. 
Deep in my subconscious, I knew her avoidance wasn’t based on the way things
had been left either.
    I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, clicked to
open the email and began to read.
    I’m sorry I haven’t been available to you like
I normally am.  Since coming back early, my boss saw it fit to send me off to
deal with preparations for this conference we’re having and I haven’t had much
time to breathe since.
    I’m glad you enjoyed the new piece.  I had it
sitting on my laptop and after I got back, I felt inspired to finish and post
    I’ve received all of your messages and I would
have replied but somehow, it didn’t seem right to do over email.  After being
in the same room with you, emails almost feel too impersonal.
    So today’s the day, huh?  Good luck, sweetie. 
I’ll be home tonight, please call me.  I miss your voice and I want to hear all
about how it went.  I have a sneaking suspicion that emails will fade and long
distance phone bills will sky-rocket but as I’ve said before, you’re worth it.
    Yours with hugs and kisses,
    I couldn’t believe that I had thought her message
would have been one filled with anything negative.
    After what seemed like minutes of staring at my
computer screen with a goofy smile, I turned off the contraption and got up to
leave.  The fate of my dilapidated marriage hung in the balance and I hoped to
walk away a free man when all was said and done.  Would today be the day or
would I be spending the remainder of my week in and out of that judge’s office?
    We returned from a brief lunch break and sat down
alongside our legal counsels in the judge’s chambers.  The room hung in silence
as we waited for the man to speak.
    “I’ve listened to both parties and based on the
facts before me, I have no choice but to side with Mr. Lowell,” the man said.
    “But, your Honor,” Julie said, “I-”
    The man held up his hand, ceasing her speech.  “Before
you continue on protesting my decision, I will let you know that I am not pleased
with your latest conduct.  This isn’t my first rodeo and I cannot allow a
failed marriage, by your hand,

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