On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel)

On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel) by S.B. Alexander

Book: On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel) by S.B. Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.B. Alexander
money, too.”
    “Why did she say no?” I asked.
    “I’m not sure. We’ll find out tomorrow. It’s also wise if you know Ms. Costner is a natural-born vampire who decided not to make the change. Before you ask, I don’t know the story there at all,” Dad said.
    “You know Kate is going to be there, Dad.” I knew Webb had told him, and maybe he had some insight about why she would be there.
    “I do, pumpkin. Which is another thing we need to discuss, but we’ll do that tomorrow.” Dad stood, indicating the conversation was over. “Jo, your phone and a new key for the apartment are sitting on your bed. You two behave while I’m gone.” Dad snatched his keys off the table near the door before he left the apartment.
    “I need to see Tripp.” Sam grabbed his phone then unfolded himself from the couch.
    “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Ben and me,” I said as I looked up at him.
    “It’s okay, Sis.” He tapped his heart twice. Our sign, which meant he loved me. Then he walked out, closing the door behind him.
    What a welcome-home gift. After several minutes, I decided I wasn’t going to think about Ben. I couldn’t do anything for him right now, or maybe ever.

Chapter 6
    I ’d played with my new phone, familiarizing myself with the apps. I’d also located my number, buried in the settings section. My only dilemma was I didn’t know anyone else’s phone numbers. I wanted to call Webb. After returning home yesterday, I hadn’t seen or heard from him.
    Dad had said Webb was catching up on work. I contemplated a quest to search him out, but I didn’t want to bother him. He did have a job to do. Besides, I would see him tonight, although I was hoping I would get to spend a few minutes alone with him before the fundraiser.
    Dad and Sam had left early this morning to pick up their tuxedos and my dress. According to Dad, Ms. Costner had a dress for me to wear for the black-tie gala. How she knew my size was beyond me. The last time she saw me, I was shorter and straighter in the hips. My new vampire body had graced me with some curves. I wasn’t complaining. I loved my new physical appearance. Not to mention the toned muscles, thanks to Olivia’s stringent workouts. The only thing I didn’t care for was the dark purple streaks that ran through my black hair.
    I was lounging on the couch, playing with my phone, when it rang. I slid the bar on the screen from left to right to answer. “Hello.”
    “Good morning, beautiful,” Webb said. His raspy voice set my stomach tumbling in a frenzy.
    “Hey, baby.”
    He growled and sighed at the same time.
    “Something wrong?” My body warmed.
    “You know I love to hear you say my pet name.”
    Yeah, I did. “So, am I going to see you before tonight?”
    “That’s one of the reasons why I’m calling. I have a few minutes. Where are you?”
    “Um…I’m in the apartment.” Dad didn’t want me to go with him. He’d said he didn’t want to worry about me, that there were too many risks, and tonight was going to be challenging enough. That reasoning was weak at best in my book, but I hadn’t argued. Dad’s nerves seemed to be torn to shreds already.
    “I’ll be right up.” The phone went dead.
    Two minutes later, there was a knock on the door.
    I flew off the couch and hesitated at the door. I didn’t want to seem too anxious, and I had to get the butterflies in my stomach under control. I took some deep breaths.
    My visitor’s knuckles rapped again. I slowly opened the door. His woodsy scent trickled in.
    I swept my gaze over Webb’s muscular body, absorbing every detail of the imposing solider. His black cargo uniform hugged all the right curves from head to toe. His brown hair hung loose around his shoulders.
    His heart-stopping gaze scrutinized me as though he was deciding which part of me to taste first, causing my eyes to flash vampire. I would’ve run to him, but my legs wouldn’t move. He bit his bottom lip, and I let out a soft

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