On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Susan Hayes Page A

Book: On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Susan Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Hayes
Tags: Romance
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sting, but she didn’t stop. She had to get to him. The one the scent belonged to. He was the only thing that mattered.
    The pavement was cold beneath her paws. The rough surface making her pads tender, but still she ran on. Time was running out. She rounded a corner, and his scent came on the wind, stronger now. She followed it into an alley so dark she could see only the faintest of shapes. But she could hear them, snarls and growls and the sound of a man in pain. She flew into the darkness, howling a challenge. The last shards of moonlight shimmered in the puddles, and by its light, she caught the gleam of blond hair and pale skin. Him. She bounded to his side, but the scent she’d tracked was mixed with the acrid odor of pain, and there was blood everywhere, so much blood. The other’s fanned out around her, and she howled in fury. They would pay for what they’d done. She would defend her mate.

Chapter 8
    Jazz woke up from her dream with a start. The taste of blood still lingered on her tongue, and for a moment, she could have sworn her mouth was full of fur. What the hell was that? She took a moment to gather her scattered wits as she tried to figure out the dream while it was still clear in her mind. She’d learned years ago that dreams were one of the few ways the beast within could communicate with her.
    She glanced over at Jase to see if he was still asleep, and comprehension struck her like a blow. “No way,” she muttered, her hand already reaching out to lightly ruffle his blond hair. She leaned in and breathed deeply. His scent filled her mouth and nose, and her darker half howled in confirmation. It was the same as the one in her dream. She’d been dreaming about her mate, Jase.
    “Mate.” She whispered the word and flung herself back onto her pillow with a groan, her arm over her eyes to block out the morning sunlight. This isn’t happening. There is no way my wolf is getting a say in my love life. The room was brighter by the time she rolled over and indulged herself in a long look at the man whose bed she was currently lying in. This was the man her wolf wanted to mark as their own. There was no denying he was attractive. His hair was cut almost military short, the golden stubble on his jaw just a few shades darker than his pale blond hair. Even asleep his mouth was turned up into a soft smile, just enough for her to be able to mark the dimples in his cheeks. Her gaze slid lower, and she drank in the sight of his bare arms and chest. He had the build of a swimmer, athletic without being bulky. She knew from her own lifelong battle with her weight just how many hours he must spend to keep that fit.
    The sight of all that male beauty inspired her to recall how well he’d used that body to pleasure her, and a wicked thought popped into her mind. This brief bit of stolen time together was going to come to an end soon. The full moon would rise tonight and there were still werewolves hunting for her. She hadn’t forgotten the rest of the monster’s warning either. It sensed danger and wanted to protect Jase from it, whatever it was.
    “Time to seize the day,” she whispered to herself and eased the covers off her sleeping lover. She was surprised to see he was already hard. For a moment, she wondered if he was merely pretending to sleep, but then she recalled one of the girls at the gym talking about “morning wood” and she realized what was happening. It would be a crime to let that go to waste. She shimmied down the bed and wrapped her fingers around the thick base of his cock. As much as she wanted to go slowly and enjoy this, she knew he wouldn’t stay asleep long. Not with what she planned to do.
    The moment her lips touched his skin, he groaned, his cock twitching in her hand. Tentatively she planted several more kisses to the tip and felt it swell even more. She swiped the tip of her tongue up one side and was rewarded with another groan. With growing confidence, she swirled her

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