On Becoming Her Sir

On Becoming Her Sir by Cassandre Dayne

Book: On Becoming Her Sir by Cassandre Dayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandre Dayne
didn’t care who saw them, perhaps who joined them. Luke was going to push both of their boundaries tonight. For the first time she felt an odd sense of jealousy and she had no idea why.
    She could tell the young man was in distress, the sound of his voice barely audible and for a few seconds she was unable to react to anything but the slice of raw pain. Her pants became moans, beads of perspiration rolling into the back of her dress. Luke continued assaulting her nipple for what had to be a full three minutes. When he broke the connection the sound erupting from her lips was one of raw anguish as well as heated need. She was wet and hot, her pussy clenching. “Oooohhh…”
    “Forever mine.” Luke’s hot breath skated across her chest. He looked up at the attendant and smiled. “One day you can have a woman who will give you everything you’ve ever desired, obeying every command.” He eased the strap of Jessie’s dress back up and kissed her on the lips.
    She wanted to punch him for the grandstanding and the fact she was so turned on she could smell her own desire. But she knew better. This was Luke’s time to shine.
    Holding out his hand, Luke waited until she placed hers in his, his eyes never blinking.
    “Shit. If only I could,” the attendant muttered and lowered his head, turning and walking away.
    Jessie could barely contain herself as she was led into the elevator. The instant the door closed she shook her head. “I can tell what kind of an evening it’s going to be.”
    Luke said nothing for a few seconds as he adjusted his bowtie and pressed the button for the top floor. “Just remember, you are mine. You belong to me.”
    The way he said the words made her shiver all over again. Tonight he was different. Tonight he was going to make certain other people knew he owned her, something that hadn’t happened before in his business or with their vanilla friends. They’d drawn a fine line of masking their true relationship, preferring not to have prying eyes or condemnation of their lifestyle. This was by far the most unusual she’d seen his behavior. Luke moved in back of her, placing his hand firmly on her neck. Even the weight of his hand seemed different, the way he pulled her closer a moment of claiming her. “I’ll…yes…I…” She moaned when he happed her on the butt.
    “You will remember. Period.”
    No other words were said as the elevator reached its destination. Jessie longed to make certain she looked the part, sexy and yet classy, but he held her firmly. She found herself swallowing several times as the doors opened. She was shocked at the crowd, the amount of people swallowing the room utterly amazing. “Incredible. You did all of this?”
    Luke chuckled. “You know better. I can’t seem to plan a party of six people. I have staff who handles this and thank God.”
    He guided her off the elevator, his hand never leaving her body, and as he led her further into the room she was more than impressed. Ice sculptures held an audience in every corner of the room she could see. The lighting was shimmering, akin to a star kissed evening. The music was a heightened level of gothic rock and the attire of the crowd? Eclectic. Jessie felt underdressed, understated in a group full of kinsters. She couldn’t help but admire the myriad of attire, romantic and outlandish. “Still, incredible.”
    “I’ll let you in on a little secret. I hoped you’d like. In fact I made certain my assistant knew about your tastes. I wanted you to appreciate what I do.” Luke pushed her forward. “There are several people I can’t wait for you to meet.”
    For some reason she couldn’t help but wonder whether he simply wanted to show her off, much like a prize. Yes, she hated the thought and shoved the ugly thing back in a box but she couldn’t help but wonder. And think. And know. “Of course.”
    “Marcus, thank you for coming. So glad you’re here,” Luke stated, his voice

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