On a Slippery Slope

On a Slippery Slope by Melody Fitzpatrick Page B

Book: On a Slippery Slope by Melody Fitzpatrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Fitzpatrick
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need to get all of this paperwork out of the way so that we can get you on that trip.”
    Should I be worried? Nah. I know Gwendolyn. She doesn’t like me, or my segments, not to mention my hair, and she’s still mad that she was forced into hiring me. I just can’t win with Gwendolyn … except for this time because this time , hearing her shout, “Absolutely not!” will be music to my ears. It’s settled then; I’ll go straight to Gwendolyn.
    My ski trip is history!

    It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To
    â€œH ey there, guys! It’s the perfect treat to take the chill out of winter and a super-delicious drink to share with a friend,” I say, smiling at the camera. “Today we’re making Friendship Tea!”
    Andy gives me two thumbs-up which means lighting is great, sound is perfect, and she’s happy with my intro. Even though I’ m here working at the station every day, I still can ’t even believe it’s happening! I almost have to pinch myself. I love being under the lights, the cameras all pointing in my direction. I feel like a superstar, until I glance at Gwendolyn, who is frowning as always.
    (Speaking of Gwendolyn, as I expected, she said no to the whole “Learn to Ski With Hannah” idea. I don’t even know what I was worried about. I knew she’d never agree to spending an extra penny on my show. And it was also no big surprise when she said no to me taking a week off work to go on the trip, and no for the second time to sponsoring our club. She was like, “No, Hannah!” then, “Absolutely not, Hannah!” and lastly, “Are you kidding me, Hannah?”)
    Ignoring Gwendolyn’s angry scowl, I continue with my segment. “Before we get started, I have a little confession to make,” I whisper, grinning at the camera. “I’m a tiny bit addicted to iced tea —” I hold up a tall, frosty glass and take a delicious sip “— which is great in the summer,” I say, licking my upper lip, “but not so great in the winter.”
    Gwendolyn, looking beyond bored, motions with her hand to get on with it. Is that Chloe standing beside her? And Ivy, too? Is the entire school here?
    â€œIn the winter you need something that will warm you up. That’s why I was so excited when I discovered this yummy wintery version of my very favourite summertime drink!”
    I continue by listing the ingredients: Tang, iced-tea mix, lemonade mix, cinnamon, hot water … etc. I explain, step by step, how to put it all together and when I’ve made two steaming mugs of orangey deliciousness, I hear in my earpiece that one of my friends will be joining me on set to share the tea.

    (I’ve found out that when you are on TV you just have to go with the flow and act like stuff was totally planned, when it was actually sprung on you at the last second.) Gabby, A.J., and Marcel came to watch me on set today. I wonder which one it will be. Probably not Gabby; she won’t leave Marcel’ s side. Oh no! Don ’ t tell me …
    Suddenly, A.J. appears on set.
    â€œHi, Hannah. Is there enough for me?” He smiles at the camera.
    â€œ Um … sure.” I hand him a warm mug of tea. “Oh … this is my friend A.J. We go to school together.”
    â€œCheers!” He clinks his mug against mine.
    We both awkwardly giggle and then take a sip.
    His eyes widen. “Wow, this is really good! Perfect for a ski trip.” A.J. winks.
    â€œ Um … yeah. It would be,” I say, feeling a twinge of guilt. I haven’t broken the news yet that Gwendolyn said no to everything , including me even going. As awful as I feel looking at A.J.’s smiling face, I have to ignore it and the sick feeling in my stomach, and keep going. I have a show to finish.
    â€œSo, it’s as easy as that!” I say to the camera. “A delicious cup of friendship to share

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