On a Slippery Slope

On a Slippery Slope by Melody Fitzpatrick Page A

Book: On a Slippery Slope by Melody Fitzpatrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Fitzpatrick
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be working, silly.”
    â€œWhat about the fact that I can’t ski? Did you mention that?” I bark.
    â€œNo, it never came up. Hannah, what is with you?”
    â€œAnd what about gear? Did you tell her I have none?”
    â€œNo. It was a short conversation, Hannah.”
    Good! Mom never spilled the beans. And even better — I can’t go on the trip because I have to work. How could I have forgotten that oh-my - gosh-fantastic piece of information? I’m off the hook. No ski trip for me! Yippee!
    â€œOh no!” I cry, trying to force down the smile that’s threatening to take over my entire face. “I totally forgot about work! There is no way I can go!”
    â€œYes, that’s what your dad and I thought, too,” she says, starting to write out a cheque.
    â€œWait, thought ?” I say, confused. Why is she writing a cheque?
    â€œOh, Hannah. You’ve had to give up so much moving here. I don’t want you to miss out on this, too. Trips like these are great bonding experiences — a chance to spend some quality time with friends, you know, where you really get to know one another.”
    I don’ t want them to get to know me better, ’ cause then they ’ d find out that I ’ m a big, fat liar.
    â€œHonestly, it will ease my guilt over leaving you at home. I know how much you want to go to Australia.”
    â€œWell, Mom, as much as I want to go on the ski trip, work comes first. I made a commitment to Channel Nine, and I can’t let them down.”
    â€œHannah,” Mom says, pointing her finger in the air. “Where there’s a will there’s a way! It’s not like you to give up on something you want!”
    â€œWhat?” My head flies up in horror.
    â€œCan’t you work this ski trip thing into your job?”
    â€œNo, I don’t think so.”
    â€œYour dad thinks you should do a ‘Learn to Ski with Hannah’ thing for your show.”
    What a horrible idea! OMG ! That would be the worst ever! I would have to learn to ski in front of all of my friends who already think I am an expert! This is getting to be too much. Why is the universe doing this to me? But then again, the universe has also given me Gwendolyn, who would never agree to this. Not in a million years!
    â€œGwendolyn wouldn’t go for it,” I tell Mom, confidently. “I’m sure of it.”
    â€œSure of what?” Dad asks, walking into the kitchen.

    â€œUm … just some ski trip to Mount Sunshine.”
    â€œ Some ski trip?” Dad raises an eyebrow. “Your mother said it’s supposedly the trip of the year. At least that’s what Gabby’s mom told her last night on the phone.”
    â€œWell, it doesn’t even matter. I can’t go because of work.”
    â€œNever say never, Hannah. I’ll just give Andy a call. Maybe we could work it into your show!”
    â€œNo, Gwen won’t allow it.”
    â€œAndy has been saying that she wants to get your show out of the studio — take it on the road.” He picks up his phone. “Don’t worry, Hannah. We’ll make this happen. I’m calling her now.”
    â€œNo!” I yell. “ Um … it’s my show and I think it’s important that I handle this on my own.”
    â€œAre you sure?”
    â€œWell, that’s very responsible of you, Hannah,” Dad says, popping his phone back into his pocket. “I’m impressed with you, young lady.”
    â€œ Um … thanks,” I gulp down the lump of guilt rising in my throat. “I’m just saying, Gwendolyn won’t go for it, though.”
    â€œDon’t worry. Andy has a way of getting what she wants,” Dad says, smiling. “So apparently, there is a permission form we need to fill out?”
    â€œUmm … yeah, it’s in my backpack.”
    â€œWell go and get it!” Dad grins. “We

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