Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery)

Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery) by Jenna Harte

Book: Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery) by Jenna Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Harte
tried to look aloof and
disinterested, even as he wanted to strangle her. “You have no right to be
    “You seem to forget who you're talking
    He cocked his head to the side. “I'm
talking to a woman who had no legal ties to Worthington Media Corp or its
    “My son…”
    “You're son isn't here.”
    “I'm looking out for his interests.”
    “You are very close to losing him and his
interests. I suggest you leave now.”
    “Arthur will not stand for this.”
    Jack's eyes narrowed. “Fine. I'm happy
to take my money and my management team and leave.” Actually, Jack thought, the
idea was very appealing. “In fact, why don't I just do that. I'm only here to
continue Asa's wishes and to honor my mother. But I don't need Worthington
Media and I certainly don't need you and your crazy antics. So, good luck.” He
turned toward the door. “Oh, you can go,” he said to the security guards. “Philip
and Arthur can decide if she's trespassing.”
    “Wait!” Lauren cried. She tried to get
up, but a security guard blocked her. “Get out of the way, you big oaf.”
    Jack stopped at the door and turned to
see Lauren try to pry the beefy hand of the security guard off her arm.
    “You can let her go.” Jack said.
    She ran to him. “You can't just leave.”
    “Watch me.”
    “No! Philip and Arthur can't run this
    “Maybe you should have thought about
that before you pissed me off one last time.”
    “I just want to be sure Philip is
getting his fair share.”
    “Philip is getting far more than his
fair share and you know it. Now, thanks to you, he'll get what he deserves.”
    For a minute, Jack thought Lauren was
going to drop to her knees and beg. He'd have liked to see that. Instead, she
took a deep breath. “If I promise to be good, will you reconsider?”
    “Haven't we had this discussion before,
Lauren? Nearly every day, as I recall.”
    “Please,” she managed with an extreme
amount of effort. It was the closest he was going to get to begging.
    “You get out and stay out of the way?”
    “Yes,” she whispered.
    “Fine. Go.” He headed back into the
office. “Make sure she leaves and don't let her back in without an appointment,”
he said to the security guards.
    Fortunately the rest of the morning went
smoothly. If things continued as they were, Jack would be able to hand over
Worthington Media Corp to a new team within six months. Until then, he had a
lot to do. He was finishing checking numbers for several of the newspapers when
a commotion outside his door interrupted him.
    “What's going on?” he asked as he opened
his office door. He saw his secretary, Mrs. Stauffer, physically keeping Liv
away from him.
    “I'm sorry, Mr. Valentine,” she said. “This
woman doesn’t have an appointment and your noon appointment will be here
    “Noon appointment?”
    “Yes, for lunch.”
    “Jack, tell this woman who I am,” Liv
said, freeing her arm from Mrs. Stauffer. “Surely I don't need an appointment.”
    “Everyone needs an appointment,” Mrs.
Stauffer said.
    “She's right,” Jack said looking at his
watch. “But I have a few minutes before my appointment. Come on in, Liv.”
    He noticed Liv's look of triumph towards
his secretary. He hated that people thought they were better than people hired
to serve them. His secretary was invaluable and he didn't want her feeling like
her efforts were unappreciated. “Thank you, Mrs. Stauffer,” he said. “Please
let me know the minute my appointment arrives.”
    She nodded, not hiding her annoyance at
Liv. “Yes, sir.”
    “Jack, thank you for seeing me. I know
you must be extremely busy.”
    “I am. What can I do for you?” he asked,
sitting on the edge of his desk and not offering her a seat.
    “This whole thing with Charles and the
police, it's been so awful. And now I'm stuck in a stuffy hotel room. I just
had to get out and talk to someone. Someone I can

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