    “I don’t know what to say.”
    Her eyes shimmered and the two of them stared
at each other for several long moments. They stared at each other
for so long in fact, that when Shane shouted a ‘hello’ from across
the shop they both jumped.
    “You don’t have to say anything,” he answered
finally. Logan held out the keys and nodded toward the now open bay
door. “I’ll see you Friday night.”
    Her fingers grazed his as she stepped forward
to grab the keys from him.
    “Thank you, Logan.” She paused. “About the
other day and what happened…”
    Logan’s gut tightened at the thought. “Yeah,”
he said carefully, watching the play of emotion on her face.
    “I’m sorry. I was upset and I…it won’t happen
    Logan lowered his head. He inhaled her
subtle, clean scent and stifled a groan. What was it about this
girl that made him feel like a teenager again? A damn horny
    “I think you’re wrong, kid,” he whispered
near her ear.
    A soft sound escaped her lips. A sound that
made him tight and hard. As much as he wanted to pursue the moment
he knew enough to back off. The timing wasn’t exactly right with
Shane grinning at him from the shadows. He’d take his time with
this one.
    He had the feeling she’d be worth it.

Chapter Ten
    Billie arrived at the arena a half hour
before the game. She’d been ready for at least an hour, but had
paced her bedroom for most of it. She’d seriously thought about
ditching hockey. The guys didn’t want her there anyway, and really,
who was she to stir the pot and upset so many people?
    Just this morning, Ike, at the coffee shop
had complained loud and clear about his views on a woman playing in
the men’s league. They weren’t favorable and they weren’t subtle.
In his opinion—which he shared with everyone in earshot—it was
plain wrong. It was men’s hockey and a man should be able to have
one night in the sanctity of a locker room without any female
presence. How in hell could you scratch your balls and fart when
there was a woman on the bench?
    Billie thought of Dearling and clearly, some
of the guys had no problem with this.
    But maybe he had a point? She could have
played in a mixed league in the city, or joined the local women’s
league but the skill level just wasn’t the same.
    For two whole seconds she considered Ike’s
arguments, and then as her gaze settled on a framed photo—taken
just after she’d scored an Olympic medal winner—something inside
her stirred. Something fierce and full of need.
    She grabbed her jacket—passed Herschel on his
way up to her father’s room with a cup of tea—and kissed his
    “Give ‘em hell, sweets.”
    “I will,” she’d murmured quietly and then
proceeded down the stairs where she’d pointedly ignored Bobbi who
was in the kitchen making Gerald Dooley a goopy, gross dessert.
    Gerald smiled, though it dimmed somewhat as
Bobbi shoved a bowl in front of him. “Heading to the game?”
    Billie heard her sister’s derisive snort as
she’d headed out into the cool, crisp evening and even though it
shouldn’t matter, it did. Some of her oomph left as she’d slipped
into her car and turned the key, though the warmth in her belly
stirred as she thought of Logan.
    She thought of how much she’d wanted to kiss
him again in his shop. She thought of the way he smelled and his
dark, sexy eyes. She thought of his lean, hard body and a butt made
for a woman’s hand.
    His full sensual mouth.
    The words that had fallen from said, full
sensual mouth. [i]“ I think you’re wrong, kid .”[i]
    What the hell did that mean? Wasn’t he still
with Sabrina?
    Billie pushed all thoughts Logan aside. She
cleared her mind of any excess garbage that could ruin her game and
parked her shiny, red Honda near the entrance— underneath the
biggest, brightest security light she could find. She’d lucked out,
someone was just leaving.
    She heaved her bag over her shoulder

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