Off Season (Off #6)

Off Season (Off #6) by Sawyer Bennett Page B

Book: Off Season (Off #6) by Sawyer Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sawyer Bennett
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reasons I’m insanely
attracted to you.”
    Now, that’s
nice, but it makes me feel shallow because I was initially attracted
to those eyes… and that body. Oh, geez. Wanton hussy here ,
I think as I mentally point to myself.
    Last night was
intense. Linc and Ever suggested going out clubbing as a memorable
way to send me back off to Dublin and celebrate my last night of
vacation. I was all for that. Linc also mentioned that he happened to
invite a few of his teammates. And how could I argue with that? I
mean… what girl doesn’t want to be surrounded by
gorgeous, professional hockey players?
    I’ll admit, I
know next to nothing about hockey. We play rugby in Ireland… a
real man’s sport, but I wasn’t let down in any way as I
met all of Linc’s friends at the nightclub he took us too. They
were all handsome… most in a charmingly rugged way. But when I
met Zane, my fate for the evening was sealed. He captured me with
those eyes, and then proceeded to sinfully flirt with me for the next
hour, causing Linc’s gaze to harden and Ever to roll her eyes
at his antics.
    As drink after drink
went down, as I danced with Zane song after song, my attraction to
him increased tenfold. By the time Linc and Ever were calling it a
night, because Ever had to go to work the next morning, I was
seriously trying to figure out how I could get in Zane’s bed.
    Me! Cady Dunne…
nice girl… studious, serious girl… trying to figure out
how to seduce a professional hockey player for the night.
    Turns out… I
didn’t even need to. As Linc and Ever were saying their
goodbyes, Zane turned to look at me, leaning in close, and said,
“Don’t go home with them. Stay out with me tonight. Let’s
keep having some fun.”
    I didn’t
hesitate a second, giving Ever an intent look as she walked up to me.
“I’m going to stay out with Zane. Just leave the door
unlocked for me.”
    She gave me a
knowing smile in return.
    Linc growled at Zane
that he better take good care of me, and that he’d kick his ass
if he harmed a hair on my head.
    And yup… just
as Zane pointed out, he had not harmed me in anyway. Unless you
counted the fact I was slightly sore from the numerous times we had
sex last night.
    “So, what do
we do now?” I ask Zane, tapping my index finger in the center
of his chest. “Walk out all nonchalantly, or have you make a
beeline for the front door?”
    Zane smirks and then
wraps his arms around me, pulling me in so every bit of my body from
my chest down is mashed up against his. I can feel his dick twitch
against my leg.
    “I say you let
me fuck you one more time before you leave,” he murmurs, just
before brushing his lips against mine. “Just one more time so I
have something to remember you by.”
    My insides melt,
heat swells between my legs, and how could I ever deny him that
request? Besides, I want something else to remember him by as well.
    Seeing as how this
one-night stand is almost over, and we won’t ever see each
other again…
    Just as we knew it
had to be.

Chapter 2
    Flopping down into
my leather recliner, I reach to the side, pull the lever, and kick
back, the footrest popping up. Leaning over the armrest, I grab the
two basic necessities a man needs in times such as this.
    The remote control
and my beer.
    Taking a quick
swallow, I set the bottle back down and click on the television.
Flipping idly through the channels, I search for something
interesting to watch. Something to occupy my time. Because that’s
really all I have during the off-season.
    Our training camp
for the upcoming hockey season won’t start for another month,
so I have a few more weeks left to be lazy. Some of my teammates hate
the off-season, completely bored with the summer months.
    Not me though. I
relish it.
    Don’t get me
wrong. I love my career, and playing professional hockey is the most
important thing in my world.
    Next to chasing
women, that is.
    But we have a
grueling schedule nine months out of the

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