October song

October song by Unknown

Book: October song by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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what a wonderful-gut surprise the new watch would be for Clan on the occasion of their first wedding anniver—
    sary. In just two days.
    There were a good many things she must do between now and then. Setting the clippers down on the kitchen counter, she took from her sweater pocket a folded piece of paper markedAnniversary Listat the top. She’d made a rather long list for the occasion to keep herself on track, jotting down everything she could possibly think of, hopin’ the day might go off without a hitch. In addition to having the house tiptop clean, she also planned to cook a nice hot meal to be served at five o’clock in the evening, complete with candles and her best china and silverware, all done up in the dining room. Just for the two of them. ‘Course, if circumstances had been different — were she and Clan not under the Bann they would, most likely, be celebrating their anniversary around Mamma’s big trestle table in her enormous kitchen, eating with loved ones and friends. As it was, shehadthought of inviting their minister, who’d married them at the old Mennonite meetinghouse, and his wife. Had even given thought to inviting the Freys, their new church friends. But, upon further reflection, she’d decided against it. No, this first year the celebrating would belong to them alone, a truly private event.
    Ever since her recent visit with Darlene Frey, Katie had been eager to get things written down in an orderly fashion. The two women had spent a relaxing afternoon chatting on Darlene’s porch swing, and Katie had made note of the quaint little swing for two, thinking what fun it would be to own one. That day Darlene had emphasized to her the need to prioritize a list, beginning with the most important items and working down. “That’s the only way I’m able to juggle everything,” she’d said.
    So Katie had gone home and promptly written on the line beside the numeral one:Gift for Clan.
    Weeks before she’d made a trip to the long-established jewelers on North Queen Street in downtown Lancaster. After describing to the clerk what she was hoping to purchase, they found a fine watch with not one speck of gold edging on the face, ideal for a conservative Mennonite man. The wrist strap was a padded dark brown leather in a wide grain. “I’ll take that one,” she’d said, glad to have saved up money from taking in some sewing, as well as the sale of her baked goods, which she took to the small general store to be sold on consignment.
    But, sadly, she discovered the watch was
    the last of its kind and must remain in the showcase. The clerk assured her they could order one exactly like it. “In time for my anniversary?” Katie asked. “Certainly!” was the enthusiastic reply.
    She had ordered the watch, and now it had come in, ready to be purchased and picked up. Her heart quickened at the thought of Clan opening the gift. He certainly needed a new watch. The strap on the old one was beginning to fray; the clock face was scratched, too, thanks to years of drafting blueprints and whatnot.
    Katie set about checking off the first item, Dan’s gift, knowing full well that the watch could easily be gotten first thing tomorrow. Then she checked off other items farther down the list.Purchase a three-inch steak.Jah, she’d found a nice cut at the market. She would prepare it Saturday afternoon, following their noon meal.
    Next,seasonings.A careful look at her pantry each shelf lined with freshly canned vegetables, fruit, and preserves
    and she spied parsley and ground pepper needed for her scalloped potatoes recipe, as well as some coconut and nutmeg for the coconut squash dish. Her eyes caught sight of a row of tall glass jars of asparagus and she decided, then and there, to add
    creamed asparagustoher menu for Saturday night. She also planned to make Mary’s lime salad, a recipe from their teen years, which called for marshmallows and cream cheese, two ingredients she had

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