Oak, Sophie - Siren in Waiting [Texas Sirens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Oak, Sophie - Siren in Waiting [Texas Sirens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Sophie Oak

Book: Oak, Sophie - Siren in Waiting [Texas Sirens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Sophie Oak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Oak
it wrong? She should stop. She didn’t know what she was doing. She was being ridiculous.
    She really was. He was a man. He was a man who had offered himself up to her, and she was thinking about quitting because she didn’t get it right the first time?
    Mouse shifted. She could feel his erection against her bottom. He was hard and ready, but he seemed to need something from her.
    She ran her tongue across her lips and kissed him again. She kissed him the way she’d dreamed of kissing a man her whole life. She molded her lips to his and let go of her inhibitions. She might only get one shot at this, and she wasn’t going to waste time worrying if she got it right. She wanted to feel. She kissed his mouth and his cheek. She rubbed her cheek against his. His five o’clock shadow nipped at her skin. She ran her nose along his neck, reveling in his scent. She kissed all along that rock-hard jawline until she found his lips again.
    And suddenly she got the whole tongue thing. She wanted to taste him. She very gently brought just the tip of her tongue out to run along his plump bottom lip.
    Trev groaned, and his hand wandered to her ass. “Straddle me.”
    She didn’t want to stop kissing, but she did as he asked. She hooked a knee over him so she straddled him like she was riding a horse. A magnificent stallion. She gasped as his cock touched her pussy through the thin cotton of her underwear and the rough denim of his jeans.
    He pressed up against her, bucking slightly. “Yeah, girl, you did that to me.”
    His hands were all over her backside. It felt so good. It wasn’t like the other time. Trev wasn’t groping, just making her aware that he was here with her.
    She kissed him again. From this position, she had full access. She planted her lips on his and kissed. He followed her lead, their lips playing softly against each other. But it wasn’t enough.
    “I want more.” She forced herself to say the words. She was glad for how dark it was, or he would have seen how much it made her blush.
    “What do you want?”
    She wanted him to not be so dense. He knew what she wanted. She could hear it in his voice, but he seemed determined to make her say it. “Open your mouth.”
    “I thought you didn’t like that.”
    And he was going to make her admit she’d been wrong. “I want to try again.”
    “All right.” His hands nudged her toward him.
    This time, when she put her mouth on his, he opened for her. She took his face between her hands and let her tongue explore him. Trev’s tongue glided along hers, all silky seduction. He let her lead, but there was no question in her mind that he was the man. His tongue felt strong against hers even as he let her lead the way.
    She kissed him for the longest time, getting utterly lost in his taste, touch, and feel.
    Her body felt like someone foreign had taken up in it. She felt sensual and confident. She could handle this man.
    When she came up for air, she realized the game was about to change. Trev’s hand drifted across her back and wound into her hair. There was a little bite of pain that did strange things to her pussy.
    “Are you feeling better now, Beth?”
    She nodded. This was what he’d wanted. He’d wanted her in the moment with him, not just a doll to play with. She was with him now. She was eager to find out what came next.
    “Then show me your breasts.”
    And just like that, Mouse was right back to shy. Her breasts weren’t pretty. They already sagged. She had a couple of stretch marks, and she’d never even had a child. She was ten pounds overweight. It just wouldn’t go away no matter how much she rode that bike. She liked food too much. She needed to be on a diet.
    Trev’s hand smacked against her ass, forcing her attention back to him. “You look at me. I gave you an order. I want to see your breasts. Show me now or take ten.”
    He wasn’t going to give her time to worry. She could show him her breasts, or he’d spank her and then she’d show

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