Numb: A Dark Thriller

Numb: A Dark Thriller by Lee Stevens

Book: Numb: A Dark Thriller by Lee Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Stevens
and I’ll be in there.”
    “She’s married,” said Turner. “She’s one of Michael junior’s friend’s mam.”
    “So where’s her husband?”
    “I don’t know,” shrugged Turner. “Maybe he works away.”
    Howden clapped his hands together in triumph.
    “She’s mine tonight, then.”
    Riley smiled sardonically and shook his head. It was amazing how soon into a conversation Howden could remind you that he was a complete dick.
    “You look serious,” Turner said, looking at Purvis. “Why you sitting all the way back here?”
    “Just enjoying the party,” Purvis replied, forcing a smile. “Watching the happy faces and listening to the music.”
    “What, this shit?” McCabe cocked an ear and then shook his head. “Can’t stand this dance stuff. Give me Iron Maiden any day.”
                  “I couldn’t give a fuck about the music,” Howden said. “I’m here for the drink.” He finished off his pint and followed it with a whisky chaser. Then, wincing as the drink burned its way to his stomach, he looked at Riley’s glass and asked, “Water?”
                  “Always,” Riley replied. He rarely touched alcohol. Never liked the feeling of not being in total control.
                  “But it’s a party,” Howden said. “And it’s free.”
                  “Yeah, but it’s also Friday night. I bet you that before the clubs shut in the morning I’ll be called to sort out some trouble somewhere. I can hardly turn up and deal with the police when I stink of drink, can I?”
                  “He’s right,” Turner said, agreeing with Riley. Business came first in his book. “Have you checked that the doormen aren’t having any trouble downstairs?”
                  “Everything’s okay,” Riley replied. “No gatecrashers.”
                  “Anyone gatecrashes this party and they’ll be in for a shock,” McCabe added.
                  “Yeah,” Howden said. “If they did they’d...”
                  And that was when Riley allowed the conversation to morph into white noise. He had no interest in listening to their nonsense. He’d just nod and smile and fake-laugh in the right places. After a while, you learned when to do it. Certain words just jumped out. “Blah, blah, blah... took care of that fucker... Blah, blah... that cunt didn’t expect that... blah, blah, blah... and he didn’t have a clue I was humping his wife, ha, ha...”
    Only when the music suddenly scratched to a halt and the overhead lights came on did Riley’s hearing come back.
    “What’s this about?” Howden asked, stemming the flow of shit from his mouth.
    “Speech time,” Purvis said.
    Riley looked over to the stage where Nash, a drink in one hand, the other one settling around the stand of the microphone in front of him, had taken position.
                  “Excuse me gents,” Purvis said and stood up.
                  “Where’re you going?” Riley asked.
                  “To get a drink. I’m empty. Plus I know what’s coming.”
                  “Eh?” Howden grunted, like a pig trying to talk. “What’re you talking about?”
                  “If you like soppy moments then you’ll love this.” With that, Purvis left the table and made his way to the bar.
                  “Soppy moments?” Howden asked, looking at the others. “What the fuck’s he on about?”
                  “Don’t know,” McCabe said and finished his beer. “But if it’s speech time, then it’s also my cue to leave.”
                  “Cue for what?” Riley asked. Whatever had been planned was new to him also.
                  “The surprise.” McCabe winked at Turner as he left the table and headed for the main door.
                  “What surprise?” asked Riley

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