were country men. Funny how his accent was downright sexy where Alexi’s put her on edge . She wouldn’t call him handsome, not in the traditional sense of the word. His face looked too harsh. Silver, intelligent eyes were deep set beneath a furrowed brow. His nose was long but slightly crooked, as if it had been broken on more than one occasion. His lips held the promise of being full, but were strained in a taut line as he concentrated on her face while she sized him up. Straight, obsidian was the perfect length for a woman to rub her fingers through.
    “I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I’m Mr. Habalov’s housekeeper.”
    “Yes, and if you’ll excuse me I need to get back to the party and see to his other guests.” As far as lies went it should have been very believable. Her plans were quickly changing . Her narrow escape, Alexi and Enrique’s ominous conversation, Steve’s obvious betrayal and good old fashion common sense merged to formulate a consensus. There was no way she’d stay another night in the house, not now. She thought about the surveillance piece transmitting to the micro recorder in her first floor room. Normally any device she planted would be later retrieved as she went about her cleaning duties. Unfortunately there’d be no time for it. If they found the one device it wouldn’t matter because she’d be far gone by the time it was discovered. There was just one obstacle standing in her way, and what a formidable one he would be.
    “But you have yet to see to my extensive needs.”
    “As I said before, you have me mistaken fo r someone else. I’m certain whomever Mr. Habalov has appointed to you tonight will be up shortly.”
    “Then it seems I will need to turn her away.”
    “I think not mister.”
    A slow anger began to rise in Tiffany replacing her earlier fear. She knew what activities went on in Alexi’s private rooms, having been part of the cleanup grew assigned to deal with the aftermath. She mentally snorted her displeasure, there was no way she would play harlot for any man, and especially not an arrogant stranger. She wondered how long it would take him to seek Alexi out and lodge a complaint once she’d gone.
    “My name is Konstantin Jestkov, and you are?”
    Not a common name, yet oddly familiar.
    “Nunya, as in none of your business. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Tired of waiting for him to move Tiffany decided to take matters into her own hands as she attempted to brush past him.
    “Not so fast my little cat burglar. I have a definite need of your services this evening,” he whispered after pulling her into the circle of his arms. “And if I’m correct in my assumptions of who you are, you’re in need of mine.”
    In any other instance she would have laughed in the guy’s face before giving him a piece of her mind but at the moment flight was the instinct taking precedent.
    “I’m sure the gift Alexi has coming will more than suffice Mr. Jestkov,” Tiffany forced herself to hold on to her anger as she tried to jerk free. His hold was unbreakable.
    “Listen my dear, I don’t have time to explain any of this to you at present, in a few minutes one of Alexi’s playmates will come through the door in there and my dear friend , being the voyeur that he is, will begin his hidden camera. Now, I have no desire to consort with one of his concubi nes and I’m fairly certain you would rather not explain how you came to be on this balcony so I suggest we move indoors and work together.”
    As if scripted, a knock summoned from the inner sanctum of the room.
    “Time for you to choose dorogaya m oya , but you must do so quickly.”
    Another, more persistent tapping came this time.
    She nodded, even as her agreement slipped from her lips, in a whisper. As much as she hated to admit it the stranger had the upper hand. If she refused he could alert Alexi before she had the opportunity to make herself scarce.
    “Good. As you Americans say,

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