the s olution, etc, etc.’ T he very idea of abandoning her efforts left a n ache in her soul, but story or not things were just getting too heated for her to stick around much longer. She couldn’t help anyone if she were dead. Her last few updates to her editor resulted in the “bad luck” Enrique mentioned earlier and nearly ended in his premature arrest. A s far as she was concerned it was the third and final accident. She purposefully missed her last c heck in with Steve for fear the bit of information she’d gathered on the shipment of drugs would land in the DEA’s hands, again. As much as she wanted to see Enrique behind bars she knew Alexi couldn’t be allowed to walk away. It had to be both of them. Once this assignment was all done Steve would have a lot explaining to do, the leaks to the Fed’s was no accident, of that she was certain.
    She took a deep breath. The short distance to the nearest patio seemed like a thousand mile trek across the narrow ledge. Tiffany hoped the landing was as sturdy as it looked. She pressed her backside firmly against the brick exterior. Fingers slipped between grooves of cold stones gripping them for dear life. She was less afraid of the fall , which would probably leave her with minor injuries , and far more concerned with being caught by one of Alexi’s guards. She did a mental headshake at the irony of her situation. Guests could be heard in the backyard enjoying one of her employers many weekend parties. W hile the evening ’ s festivities roared on in full swing severa l yards away she was in a rather precarious situation which could result in an unpleasant evening for her .
    Alexi was a walking mafia cliché. He believed in living the fast life to the fullest and his appetites were gluttonous to say the least, from his numerous cars to the string of girlfriends who didn’t seem to mind being one of many in his harem. Tiffany’s only relief was that no guests would be allowed on the eastern side of the mansion where Alexi’s private quarters were housed. The area was normally heavily patrolled, but with the extra bodies to keep an eye on she knew the watch wouldn ’t be as concentrated . With all the people in his employ the re were only a small number Alexi trusted to guard his estate and his life. His paranoia would be her salvation, yet she wasn’t foolish enough to allow herself to become too relaxed , expedience was of the utmost importance.
    Edging her petite five-foot five-inch frame along the side of the house Tiffany was grateful when she finally came in contact with the balcony of Alexi’s VIP guest room. For several seconds she listened for the sound of voices or movement before taking a chance to climb over the balcony’s railing.
    She exhaled deeply, sagging against the wall in relief. Just a few more inches and she could slip from the shadows, through the open doors, into the room . She’d wait there until the coast was clear even if it meant all night.
    “Quite an unorthodox mode of entry don’t you think?” The baritone voice greeted her before its owner stepped into view.
    Tiffany’s heart thudded with renewed fear laced adrenaline. She opened her mouth to speak but the words would not form. What could she say? She was busted. Her vocal cord were further impaired by the man who belonged to the deep tone. He was a veritable giant. Granted she just hit the “average” mark for a woman’s height but the man had to be over six foot three, and his shoulders seemed as broad as he was tall. Casually dressed in a black sports blazer and matching slacks he looked as if he’d stepped out of an issue of Gentleman’s Quarterly. She felt a modicum of relief at realizing he wasn’t one of Alexi’s henchmen.
    “You’re not exactly what I was expecting from Alexi tonight, but perhaps being in the US has broadened his appetites.”
    Tiffany blinked at his remark. What did he mean?
    It was obvious from h is thickly laced English accent he and Alexi

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