November Lake: Teenage Detective (The November Lake Mysteries) Book 1

November Lake: Teenage Detective (The November Lake Mysteries) Book 1 by Jamie Drew

Book: November Lake: Teenage Detective (The November Lake Mysteries) Book 1 by Jamie Drew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Drew
Tags: detective, thriller, Romance, YA), Mystery, Girls, Young Adult, teen, books, teen 13 and up
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    “‘ Why would he?’ Ethan asked. ‘He said he would be back tomorrow
    ‘“ That man said he had phoned the council and that was a lie,’ I
reminded him. ‘I don’t ever want to see him again. He freaks me
out. I don’t think he cares about the dog. I think it was him who
killed the dog and left it in the garden.’
    ‘“ Why would he kill his own dog?’ Ethan asked.
    ‘“ To get close to me,’ I whispered, fearing that I was sounding
paranoid. But I couldn’t help how I felt. ‘He scares me, Ethan. I
don’t want to be here on my own with him hanging about.’
    “ There was another pause, then Ethan said, ‘I have an
    ‘“ What?’ I asked.
    ‘“ Pack a small case and book yourself into a motel further along
the coast. Book a room for a few nights. When I get back tomorrow
evening, I’ll be waiting for this man. I’ll make sure he takes his
bloody dog away. He won’t scare me so easily. Then, once he and his
dog have gone, I’ll come and join you. We could spend a couple of
days together… you know, have some fun. It will help you take your
mind off things. And when you get back home with a clear head,
you’ll be able to put this all behind you and forget that man ever
existed. What do you say? Does it sound like a plan?”’
    ‘“ Yes,’ I whispered into the phone. What Ethan had suggested
made sense, but I still wished he was with me.
    ‘“ So go pack some stuff together, and when you have the address
of where you’re staying, text it to me and I’ll meet you there once
I’ve sorted out this guy and his dead dog.’
    ‘“ Okay,’ I said, wiping the last of my tears away. I was
starting to feel a little better, knowing that I would never have
to see that man again once Ethan had dealt with him. Before hanging
up the phone, I added, ‘I love you, Ethan.’
    “‘ I love you more,’ he whispered back, then the line went
    “ So taking Ethan’s advice, I hurriedly packed a case and drove
along the coast to here, Havensfield, arriving yesterday evening. I
booked into the motel and as promised I text Ethan the address. I
then took a walk along the shore and made my way into town where I
bought myself a cup of tea. But once away from home, all those
feelings of fear and dread came rushing out of me. Although I now
felt safe, I feared for Ethan. He is kind and gentle and would do
anything for me. He would be no match for the giant of a man who
had scared me so much. It was then as I sat and sobbed that you
kindly came over and spoke to me,” Wendy said looking at
    “ I’m so glad I did now,” Kale said.
    “ Once back at my motel, I kept looking down at the card you had
given me. You told me that you were a police officer, and I
couldn’t help but wonder if Ethan had been wrong in his reluctance
in calling the police after we had discovered the dead dog in the
garden. Fearing for what Ethan might find when he returns to my
house tonight I knew that nothing could be lost by speaking
discreetly to you and asking for your advice. That is why I have
come here this morning,” Wendy said, staring back at both of
    “ And I’m so glad you did,” I said, pouring her a cup of fresh
tea from the pot. “Not only is it the most interesting story I have
ever heard, you have done the right thing by taking your
boyfriend’s advice and fleeing your home.”
    “ Do you think this man wants to harm me?” Wendy asked, her eyes
growing wider.
    “ I think the harm has already been done,” I said, getting up
from my chair and standing by the window. I looked out at the
overcast sky. It was still raining.
    “ What do you mean?” Wendy asked. The tremor was back in her
Wendy’s question, I turned to face her. Kale was staring at me as I
stood with my back to the window. “I have three questions I would
like to ask you,” I told her.
    “ What are the three questions?” she asked back.
    “ Apart from your boyfriend, who else

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