Nothing But Scandal

Nothing But Scandal by Allegra Gray

Book: Nothing But Scandal by Allegra Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allegra Gray
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to the floor.
    The conveyance tipped precariously to one side, and Elizabeth’s eyes widened in alarm. They both braced themselves, but with a final shudder, the carriage righted itself and stilled, coming to rest at an awkward angle.
    Alex released his grip on the back of the bench and blew out a breath. He worked the latch and threw open the door, muttering, “What the hell?”
    An even more colorful stream of invectives could be heard coming from the driver outside.
    Alex stepped down just as the driver threw a stone at a quickly retreating dog. “Bloody mongrel!”
    “Dog ran between the wheels?”
    The man startled at his master’s presence, then visibly tried to compose himself. “A thousand pardons, Your Grace. The team sidestepped to avoid the creature, and drove us into a rut. My fault. Afraid the afternoon sun, and the open road…I should’ve been more alert. Wheel’s bent.”
    Alex examined the wheel, which was indeed bent. He raised his eyes to find Elizabeth standing next to him, still delightfully mussed from their kisses.
    “How do you feel about a nice long walk?” he asked regretfully.
    Marian Grumsby was pleased her brother had extended his visit. He’d claimed he enjoyed the open space, the peace of the country life. She’d happily welcomed him to stay as long as he liked. But she was not a fool.
    Alex never stayed outside the city for long. There were too few entertainments—particularly those of the licentious variety.
    Then again, her brother had not been himself for about eight months now. And the steady stream of gossip about his debauchery had nearly dried up. Marian didn’t know if that was cause for concern or celebration.
    Oh, the wit and urbane charm was still there, but he was moody and distracted. Restless. And she wanted to know why.
    She knew better than to ask directly. Even as a child Alex had been a private person, more so as an adult. She’d seen him in deep conversation with her husband a few times during this visit, but if Brian had learned anything of interest, he was keeping mum—and that was driving her mad.
    She’d replayed the last eight months in her mind, but she was too removed from her brother’s life to guess what would have affected him so. A business venture gone bad? A woman? Something was bothering him, but what?
    Unfortunately, her hopes for discovering his reasons were thwarted by his announcement at dinner Sunday night.
    “I’ve decided to return to London tomorrow.”
    Marian set down her wineglass. “Have we finally bored you, then?”
    “Of course not. But I’ve neglected matters of business and estate too long.”
    “It’s barely been two weeks,” she teased. “Surely your mansions are not tumbling to the ground already.”
    He smiled back, though the expression held a hard edge that made Marian wonder, not for the first time, if her brother had ever known true happiness.
    “It’s been a pleasure,” Alex told her. “A welcome respite from the city.”
    She felt him withdrawing, slipping away again, and she mourned the loss of the easy friendship they’d had as children. Would she ever regain it? “At least promise me you won’t go so long between visits next time.”
    “You have my word. Henry and Clara are delightful, and I’ve a mind to ride Brian’s new stallion again, once it’s better trained.”
    She accepted his answer gracefully, realizing her brother was unlikely to bare the contents of his soul over dinner.
    When she’d finished eating, she excused herself to tell the children a story and tuck them into bed. The nurse would have seen to it they were fed and bathed, but Marian cherished those last few moments each night, when they snuggled sleepily under the covers and she smoothed their brows. Only when she and Brian were traveling or attending an engagement did she relinquish those coveted chores of motherhood.
    Alex watched his sister go, wondering if he was even capable of the kind of love she obviously held for

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