Nothin' But Trouble

Nothin' But Trouble by Jenika Snow

Book: Nothin' But Trouble by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
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hours, so she thought now was as good a time as any
to bring all of this out in the open.
leaned back in the chair and looked between the two of them, and then scrubbed
a hand over his jaw. This was the first day he had off in longer than she could
remember, and just looking into his face she could see how much he had aged. She
saw the dark circles under his eyes because he hadn’t gotten enough sleep.
There was several day old scruff covering his jaw, and
Lilly regretted even bringing any of this up, but it had been kept in the dark
for long enough. It had been a couple of days since Court had been to her room
and they had talked about their feelings. But she had talked to him every day
since then, whether it was on the phone or when he came by the house. It was
still a little strange having him in the house, but a lot of that time was him
catching up with Roan. Their mother had been around each time he was there, so
bringing up the fact Court had taken her virginity all those years ago was a
little TMI for her mom, or so Lilly assumed.
all of this distance, and slowly moving further away from our friendship was
because you slept with Lilly at a field party and thought it was a betrayal to
cleared his throat and nodded. He looked stiff and uncomfortable, and exactly
how she felt.
but it wasn’t just that?”
lifted a brow and stared at Court. “No? You mean there is more? Like maybe how
you have feelings for Lilly, but have been too much of a coward to do anything
about it?”
it was her turn to sit up straighter at Roan’s words. There wasn’t any anger in
her brother’s words, but there was a hint of challenge directed at Court. She
glanced at the big blond biker that she was falling harder for each and every
time she saw him.
that’s also a big reason I stayed back. I was confused by my feelings for
Lilly, afraid that I had royally fucked up our friendship, and didn’t know how
to handle it besides running.” The room grew silent as Court admitted that to
Roan for the first time.
glanced at her brother, saw that his attention was fully on Court and waited to
see what would happen. It seemed like forever before Roan even moved in his
chair, but it couldn’t have been more than seconds.
Court. I have never known you to admit when you were wrong and fucked shit up.”
was sweaty as she glanced back and forth between the two men that she cared
about the most. Lilly didn’t know if she was waiting for them to attack each
other or what, but the room was hot and tension was running high inside of her.
Then her brother started chuckling and Court followed suit, and just like that
the tension drained and stunned confusion filled her. Roan leaned over and slapped
Court on the back.
I’ve known you there has only been this bad-ass bear that didn’t care what
anyone thought, kicked asses and asked questions later.”
glanced away and scrubbed the back of his neck, but she saw the way he grinned.
Roan grinned, too, and although everything seemed okay on the outside, she felt
strange at how everything had progressed.
we’re good, man?” Court asked, and although he outweighed Roan by a good fifty
pounds of muscle, they were equal in height. Roan had more of a lean, boxer’s
body, one of toned sinew. Court was just brute strength all the way around.
glanced down and saw the way Roan clenched his hands. She knew what was coming.
But before she could stop it, she saw Court’s face harden, and knew the bear
shifter was aware of what was about to go down. But he didn’t move, and when
Roan reared his hand back and slammed his fist into Court’s jaw, everything
around her stopped. A trail of blood slowly trickled down Court’s bottom lip
and chin, and he wiped it away with the back of his hand.
we’re good,” Roan said, and although there was a bite in his words, she didn’t
feel any animosity coming from

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