Not Just Another Romance Novel

Not Just Another Romance Novel by Lisa Suzanne Page B

Book: Not Just Another Romance Novel by Lisa Suzanne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Suzanne
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    “Seems like pretty good odds to me.”
    He pulled onto campus and I directed him to the front of the Psych building.
    I grabbed the door handle, ready to bid a hasty goodbye over my shoulder, when I felt his hand on my arm.
    “Hey,” he said, still clearly unhurried despite his efforts to get me to class on time.
    I turned back toward him.
    “You’ve got two minutes,” he said, and then he leaned in and kissed me.
    It wasn’t just a kiss, though.
    It wasn’t just a man’s lips moving over a woman’s.
    It was a promise of more. It was a confession of feelings, a passionate plea that resonated in my chest.
    He pulled back, and I stopped for just a second to catch my breath as I took in his visual perfection. “Good luck on your test, sweets.” His voice came out all breathy and raspy and God I just wanted to recline my seat and let him take me in his very sexy car.
    “Thanks,” I muttered, and then I exited the car and headed into the Psych building.
    I slid into the open seat next to Scott. I felt his eyes on me, but I stared ahead at Dr. Harris as embarrassment flooded me.
    I hadn’t stopped to think that Scott had seen me at Starbucks before I had left for my date the night before. And now we were sitting next to each other, and I was wearing the same dress I’d been wearing when I had run into him.
    It was definitely too dressy for a class. Obviously I’d just come from my date and I hadn’t had time to even do the walk of shame to stop home first.
    A sheet of paper slid onto my desk from Scott’s direction. I glanced down at it, and then my head whipped over toward him.
    Our eyes met.
    His eyes were so blue behind those black frames. His blue shirt somehow made his eyes brighter.
    And meanwhile I was still wearing the same clothes I’d been wearing the night before.
    “I found it in my binder,” he whispered.
    My study guide, in all its completed, vivid glory, sat on my desk in front of me. I must’ve left it with him after our last study session.
    Scott saved the day. And my ass.
    “Thank you,” I whispered back to him, and then Dr. Harris collected our study guides and passed out our exam materials.
    The whole time, the exact blue shade of Scott’s eyes danced through my mind.
    When questions about bivariates came up, I knew the answers immediately. A few questions required basic mathematics skills, but apart from those, I was solid in my knowledge. I was confident despite the rocky start to my morning, and I knew I’d done well.
    Scott finished before me, and we were free to leave when we were done. I knew he’d be waiting for me out in front of the big palm tree, and I was excited to dissect the test with him.
    I marched my test up to Dr. Harris, pleased with myself and glad I wasn’t the last one to finish, ran to the restroom, and headed outside.
    I walked to the palm tree, but Scott wasn’t there. I glanced around, thinking maybe he’d gone off to get some coffee after the test. Disappointment washed over me as I sat under the tree and waited a while.
    I really just wanted to go home and take a shower and a nap before my next class.
    I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I smiled. “How do you think you—” I turned around and my sentence stopped short.
    A set of beautiful blue eyes met mine, but they weren’t Scott’s.
    Dax smiled as he handed me a cup of coffee. “I wasn’t sure how you take it, but I figured you’d need some after your test.”
    My mouth opened, but words failed to come out of it.
    He’d waited around for me?
    And he’d brought me coffee?
    Not only was he visually stunning, but he was sweet and kind and thoughtful, too.
    I was in real trouble with this one.
    He helped me up from the ground, and his fingers linked through mine loosely as they had the night before. We walked together back toward my apartment, less than a ten minute walk from the Psych building.
    I caught the jealous stares coming my way. Dax was wearing the same “God’s Gift

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