... not in love with Kale Eddison

... not in love with Kale Eddison by Joanne McClean

Book: ... not in love with Kale Eddison by Joanne McClean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne McClean
Tags: Fiction, Romance, teen, school, famous, actor
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photographers following us; we still can’t go
    Kale sighed, “I
know, welcome to my world. I dunno, you wanna watch a movie or
    Izzie shrugged,
“Sure but please don’t make me suffer through one of yours!”
    Kale laughed,
“I promise, come on; the cinema room’s downstairs.
    Izzie followed
him down to the lower level and found herself in a very large room
that resembled a film theatre; there were reclining red chairs
lined in a row, a popcorn machine and other sweets and drinks.
Izzie couldn’t help but be impressed; the large screen and even the
décor of film posters made the whole room feel like the real
    “Wow,” Izzie
exclaimed, “what films you got?”
    Kale rhymed off
a couple of titles and Izzie settled on a Hilary Turner one; she
was her favourite actress and it was her favourite film of all time
– the classic story of boy meets girl - ‘A Time to Love’.
    Kale looked
impressed and loaded up the reel while Izzie helped herself to some
popcorn and some nachos. Kale dimmed the lights and took the seat
beside Izzie, grateful that she didn’t tell him to move away. The
credits began to roll and Izzie found herself absorbed in the film
while Kale found himself absorbed in looking at Izzie. He really
did like her but he highly doubted that she felt the same and he
couldn’t blame her – to date, her picture had been splashed all
over the papers and her name tarnished. He knew he was to blame but
he struggled to think of something that would make it up to her; he
knew being involved in his life wasn’t easy and it was unfair of
him to be so selfish and want Izzie to be around him constantly. He
sighed to himself and turned his attention back to the screen and
regretted it; it was the scene where Hilary’s character told her
husband – a superb Dean Jameson - she was dying. That scene was
always one that pulled at Kale’s heart; the acting was so realistic
and believable – something he felt he had yet to achieve. That was
acting at its best and he was just a poor man’s Dean Jameson. Kale
turned away from the screen, ashamed of the lump in his throat; he
coughed in an attempt to clear it and saw Izzie glance at him out
of the corner of his eye – her look was one of curiosity.
    The film ended
and Izzie stretched and yawned; it had been very comfortable to
just relax all day – apart from dodging the photographers this
morning. She looked at Kale and smiled lazily, he returned her
smile and felt his heart thump rapidly – what the hell was wrong
with him? He cleared his throat, “You want some coffee?”
    Izzie nodded
and he was relieved to leave her for a few minutes; she was really
making him feel … well he really didn’t know how to describe it –
it felt good but he had difficulty naming the emotion. He shook
himself mentally and concentrated on making the cappuccinos.
    Izzie remained
seated in the recliner, she was feeling quite confused. She had
been touched when she noticed Kale’s expression while watching the
film; there had been a fierce determination in his eyes and also a
sense of vulnerability about him. It was clear that he was very
passionate about acting and it seemed to Izzie that he was a guy
who would persevere until he achieved what it was that he was
after. She was also beginning to feel something else as well … she
couldn’t quite put her finger on it but when he had smiled back at
her and their eyes had locked, she had felt … well she didn’t know
for sure but had thought it was quite a nice little moment – wow,
what was wrong with her? ‘A nice little moment’ … where had that
come from? She tried to clear her thoughts just as Kale came back
into the room.
    “Here you go,”
he handed her the mug and sat down again.
    “Thanks,” Izzie
smiled at him briefly then quickly averted her gaze to the floor –
there was that unnamed feeling again. She ignored it and took a
fleeting glance at Kale, “So, what time is it?

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