North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost

North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost by Charlie Cochet Page B

Book: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost by Charlie Cochet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlie Cochet
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His many-layered wardrobe was made up of earthly tones—rich, deep reds, forest greens, and browns—a contrast to his pale-green eyes and snowy-white beard. His thick white eyebrows drew together in concern as he approached Rudy’s bedside. Vixen quickly brought a chair over, depositing it behind Kringle. With a snap of his fingers, the too-small chair stretched and widened before Kringle took a seat.
    “Sir….” Rudy swallowed hard, his spirit lifting just from having his mentor here. Without Kringle, Rudy would be just another Christmas elf, toiling away at the Candy Cane Mills or curling ribbons at the Gift Packaging Plant. To this day, Rudy still didn’t know what Kringle saw in him, why he insisted Rudy was special.
    “Lads.” Kringle greeted the others before turning his attention back to Rudy, his large hand coming to rest gently at the back of Rudy’s head. “You’re in pretty bad shape, aren’t you my little elfling?”
    “Sir, please. I have to help Jack, he’s—”
    “I know.” Kringle let out a heavy sigh, his expression one of deep concern. “I was in Winter Wonderland when I started hearing whispers in the wind. I came as soon as I could, but… I fear I’m too late. I’m sorry, Rudy. His heart has already frozen over.”
    Rudy’s own heart nearly stopped beating. It couldn’t be…. He refused to believe it was over. “I have to go to him. I have to do something.” Determined, he gritted his teeth and attempted to get up, only to have Kringle put a hand to his shoulder.
    “Easy there, my little elfling. I understand your pain. You must, however, prepare yourself for the worst. There’s a chance he may not remember you or what you had together. Keep in mind, the first time you melted his heart, it was so gradual that he was completely unaware. It took years. Now you’ll be attempting to melt his heart on the spot, and he may see you as a threat. You’ll be facing a great danger.”
    Rudy sat searching his heart, remembering how difficult and heartbreaking it had been the first time. He steeled himself, knowing it could be so much worse this time. Jack might kill him. His gaze went to Kringle’s.
    “I have to try.”
    To his surprise, Kringle smiled warmly at him. “I never doubted it. You’re more than you give yourself credit for, young Rudy. Search deep inside yourself.” He took Rudy’s hand in his, his eyes closing as a warm glow radiated from him. “The Prince of Frost may have the powers of winter behind him, but he underestimates the match he has found in you. I have faith in you.”
    As Rudy felt the power of Kringle’s healing spread through him, he wished with all his might that his mentor was correct. Could he truly have something special dormant within him? If he did, he would find a way to get through to Jack, no matter the cost. He had to.

Chapter Eleven
    “N O ! P LEASE !”
    Rudy poked his head out from behind the hangar, his heart pounding wildly in his chest at the sight of Jack standing several feet away in the middle of the open field, his hand held out as his pale fingers slowly closed. By the choking noises Fig was making, Jack was ordering the arctic wind to tighten its grip around the elf’s neck as he hovered before Jack.
    “I never meant to hurt him, Frost, I swear! I didn’t know how powerful a spell it was. I thought it would just scare him. That’s all.”
    “Whatever you believed and whatever the outcome is immaterial. You dared to defy the Prince of Frost?” Jack’s voice was a fierce growl and void of the warmth Rudy had grown to cherish. He had to do something before Jack lost his patience and rid himself of Fig. No doubt in his state, Jack was forgetting he was no longer above their kingdom’s laws as he once had been. The kingdom would demand justice be served, and the Frost King would be forced to punish his only son. Rudy had sent word out to the Frost King, the only one with enough power to stop Jack, but no one had seen the

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