North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost

North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost by Charlie Cochet Page A

Book: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost by Charlie Cochet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlie Cochet
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Tim’s soft voice snapped Rudy’s attention away from his infuriating friend.
    “He’s changing fast, Rudy.”
    Tim relayed all the information regarding the button Ginger had found, the Mouse King being set up, and Jack’s steadily rising coldness. Rudy couldn’t keep himself from feeling disappointment at the possible involvement of Fig. Could he really be behind what had happened to Rudy?
    Rudy had hoped never to have to think about that unpleasant experience again. Fig had been his friend once. It had been shocking and heartbreaking when the elf had flown into a rage in Rudy’s office after the news of his and Jack’s relationship hit headlines. Rudy had never seen it coming. He hadn’t expected everyone he worked with to pat him on the back, but he hadn’t expected someone he had laughed and chatted with over hundreds of years to call him such terrible names, to spout such hate and anger. He supposed it wouldn’t be so far-fetched for Fig to be involved, but why wait this long? It didn’t make any sense.
    “What’s happening?” Vale asked worriedly, drawing Rudy’s attention away from his melancholy thoughts. “I’ve not seen Jack like this since….” Vale’s eyes widened. “It’s happening again, isn’t it?”
    With a soft sigh, Tim nodded. “Yes.”
    “How bad is it?” Rudy asked, aware of how everyone seemed to be finding it quite difficult to look him in the eye. From Tim’s account Jack was growing frostier by the moment, but he needed to know how much.
    “The bastard was cruel to Tim,” Noel growled, his arms tightening around his sweetheart.
    Oh no, it was worse than he thought. Rudy tried his hardest to remain positive. They would find a way to help Jack. “Tim, you know our Jack would never hurt you in such a way.” He held out a hand to his small friend, and Tim crawled up onto the bed. Rudy hugged him close, offering what comfort he could. Tim was never anything but kind and sweet, offering cheer wherever he went. He had a heart most would envy.
    “Deep down I knew it wasn’t Jack speaking,” Tim said quietly. “He would never say such horrible things.” Tim whispered to Rudy, sharing his heartache at their beloved Jack’s words. Despite Tim knowing it wasn’t Jack speaking, the words had done their damage. Tim’s insecurities regarding his size were something the young elf battled with every day. Although he was more confident now than he had been a year ago, it was still difficult for Tim, being the smallest of all the elves despite his age. Rudy found himself feeling angry.
    “I have to do something.”
    Vixen stood and began pacing the room. “Rudy, you barely have any strength at all. If you don’t allow yourself time to heal, you won’t be able to fly in time for Christmas, much less help Jack.”
    “Then I need to change that.” Rudy was determined to do something. He threw back the covers, the ache in his body telling him Vixen was all too right, but what was he supposed to do? Lie here while he lost his true love? While the elf Rudy had promised his heart to, whom he had planned to love the whole of his immortal life, was in danger of becoming an unfeeling monster? He had spent so much of his life fighting for Jack’s love. Now that he had it, he wasn’t about to give it up so easily.
    “You don’t have the magic,” Vixen insisted.
    “But I do.”
    They all turned toward the deep baritone voice. Everyone in the room bowed their heads in respect. The bedroom glowed with warmth from his mere presence, the scents of Christmas following his every footstep as he walked through the room, his head all but touching the ceiling high above. As an elf and spirit, Jack was large in stature, but even he couldn’t compare to Mayor Kringle. The Spirit of Christmas was formidable, towering over all. He was wide and strong, in possession of far less belly than the images of him around the globe portrayed.
    Kringle was a warrior and businessman, shrewd and fearless.

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